Riding #bike? Using a bike computer with #gps? Concerned about #privacy if connected? Bored by its closed nature? Want to implement your missing feature yourself?
Here comes #jazda: https://jazda.org/community/
Get involved or just follow development on irc or matrix: #jazda:libera.chat
Also there: carrotIndustries - the maker of the battery-less cyclotron https://github.com/carrotIndustries/cyclotron-mini
How cool is all that?
#boost welcome! 🚲
@chrichri @dwagenk @fedibikes
If you have started your own project, then join our chat too.
Jazda is still rather early, and you can influence where it goes in the future, both in hardware and in software.
And we need a peloton of nerds to get an open bike computer to cruising speed :)