Is there anyone who has managed to use #signal on the #pinephone running @postmarketOS with #phosh? This is the only reason I use my pinephone only for business purposes and not as my (private) daily driver. Neither #axolotl or #signal-cli or pidgin worked for me (and I spent countless hours...). It's time that @signalapp support #mobilelinux.
@nieral @postmarketOS @signalapp
We just recently discussed signal at #phosh's community get together at #FrOSCon. Flare and the desktop client (registration via signal-cli) were mentioned there. For questions best join .
@agx @nieral @postmarketOS @signalapp
Just some feedback: I was about to ask the same question:
Flare (or the official Desktop client, or others) probably work. As long as you can register an account. So far I have failed to find a method to register a phone number / account with Signal.
@nieral @tzafrir @postmarketOS @signalapp signal-cli isn't packaged for Debian yet: