Update: The GPD Pocket worked great as a "presentation appliance" at FOSSY. The screen was large enough to serve its purpose (showing me a copy of my slides so I can stay on topic) and was able to drive the display.
I still carried around a backpack, but that was largely so I had room for the much larger Nexdock for my Librem 5. If I wasn't compelled to do Nexdock+Librem 5 convergence demos so much, I might just walk around future conferences on "talk day" with a tiny bag for the GPD.
I should probably also note that I did consider powering the presentation from my Librem 5. It could have displayed the presentation on the screen no problem, but the tricky bit is *mirroring* the display on its own 720x1440 screen. I tested this at home, and finding a landscape resolution I could mirror on both the Librem 5 screen and the display was challenging (and most conferences want you to pick a standard resolution if they are recording).
@kyle pdfpc handles that nicely. I'm still dragging around a fork for #mobile use with #phosh: https://source.puri.sm/guido.gunther/pdfpc-mobile
You get the slides on the external output and a shrinked down version with your notes on the #librem5 screen.
@kyle I've explored the browser route many years back and went back to PDF as it's easier to drag around and I can do it in org mode. It's usually less flashy though.
@kyle That's handled by beamer. In org-mode it's just
#+BEAMER: \pause
e.g. https://git.sigxcpu.org/cgit/talks/2022-07-dc22-debian-on-smartphones/tree/talk.org#n91
@agx My presentations are very simple, just bulleted lists, but the main thing for me is the ability to advance to the next item in the bulleted list when I "advance" the slide. To achieve that in a PDF I assume I would need to create a new page each time. Well that and the decade+ of presentations I already have hosted in HTML on https://kylerank.in/talks/ and the ease of creating new presentations in VIM (which I guess I could still do using LaTeX).