Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (52/2022): Year In Review and other topics
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Aside from being more 'automatic', Millipixels is now having a rec button for video recording on the #Librem5. Here's a first video shot before sunset:
@linmob It would be cool to see millipixels merge back into #megapixels.
@awai @agx @linmob i'm packaging it in #postmarketOS, but I've always held out hope that it was temporary and that @purism does the right think by upstreaming their changes ;)
@craftyguy @awai @linmob I opened https://source.puri.sm/Librem5/millipixels/-/issues/48 a while back but maybe rebasing, then converging is not the best way forward? But maybe we can at least coordinate there?
@calebccff @agx @linmob Definitely! There's also libaperture+camera/pinhole seeing some work towards libcamera support (via gstreamer/pipewire), can't wait to see how it'll end up
@agx @awai @linmob I'd love to join you at fosdem for some talk about getting these things to work in a more generic way, via kernel device tree + #libcamera + #PipeWire + camera-portal + (#gstreamer | #webrtc | ...)!
@agx @linmob that would be awesome indeed, although I wonder whether it makes sense to package millipixels for #Debian in the meantime?