What do folks use for managing dotfiles these days?
I've used git+stow for years, but it's kinda painful if some systems need their own dotfiles while still sharing some with other systems. So I'm looking to find something better that can handle that situation.
The internets show there are almost as many dotfile managing things as there are static site generators...
@craftyguy I'm currently playing around with ansible and want to have all my configs there.
Ideally: After reinstalling/reflashing any device package installation and basic configuration should be only a playbook away (I'm not quite there yet)
The main downside of ~ being a git repo in itself is that `git clean -dfx` works. Don't ask why i know that.
@craftyguy @agx
Additionally I wonder if your ~ is a git repo whether *other* repos still make use of ~/.gitignore (I have f.e. things like _build or GPATH in there so I don't need to mentally ignore/change a repo's .gitignore)
@agx @devrtz oh no... :(