Looking at view counts and "time to make this video" I really should stick to short looks at PinePhone distributions: They are easy and quick to finish, and get way more views.
Any objections?

@linmob what about series like: how to sync calendar, how to backup, how to get org-mode, how to play doom, how to write your first app, ...?

@agx I have been asked about that repeatedly, and the videos that did not do too well are essentially how to videos.
Personally, I really prefer written how-tos to how to videos.

BTW: Sync calendar means obfuscating a ton of account details (= painful editing), demoing services I don't like (Google, Microsoft, Facebook ...). And: It's stupidly easy anyways for Nextcloud users, so what's there to demo? If someone can't pull that off, maybe they should go back to the 19th century?

@agx I could do such videos for my Librem 5 (once I will finally have it), but for all the PinePhone distributions out there with really minor differences and bugs (aside from the fact that there are 3 major UIs) it really does not seem like an appealing task to take on.

@linmob that's perfectly fine - you should do what you enjoy! 🚀 Thanks for your videos so far!

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