
Why do you choose to use Fedora out of all the other linux distro?

@adamsandy Fedora *Silverblue*:

- Transactional (ostree)
- Plain GNOME


Why Fedora Silverblue over the standard Workstation version? Along with the plain gnome 3 desktop.

I know you promoted Elementary OS as an ethical replacement to mainstream os. Just wonder why the switch

between Elementary OS to Fedora ?

@adamsandy I’m enjoying the stability.

Nothing wrong with Elementary OS. This just makes me more productive on the thing I need to focus on (building the Small Web) :)



Thanks for explaining. I myself have been look to move away from Debian/Ubuntu based distros.

To more Fedora/RPM or Arch based distros for more freedom and control over data and the os itself.

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