I've been meaning to update them for a while, but I'd been unable to find the signing key for Google Play, and I didn't want to start over.
Fortunately I found the key by coincidence while going through an old backup the other day. Important reminder to backup everything always.
Version 1.2.1 of Tomboys Need Love Too is now available on itch.io and Steam.
Full list of changes are available on the release announcement:
The update will be made available to other stores soon.
Also, Linux users can now find my free games on the Snap Store.
The snap version can also be downloaded from Itch.io.
I'll be experimenting with Flatpaks next.
Max Massacre version 1.2 is now available on itch.io.
Full list of changes are available on the release announcement:
The update will be made available on other stores soon.
Wander No More version 1.2 is now available on Steam and Itch.io.
Full list of changes available on the release announcements:
Humanity Must Perish version 1.2 is now available on Steam and Itch.io.
Full list of changes available on the release announcements:
Sable's Grimoire is now available on Xbox, PS4/5 and Nintendo Switch
Humanity Must Perish and Wander No More have been ported by @NineSquareZone to HTML5 and are available to play free online at Sandbox Adventure.
At long last, Sable's Grimoire: A Dragon's Treasure has been released!
Android builds and availability on other stores coming soon.
Don't forget the 18+ patch, featuring gorgeous CGs from @sendrawz
It's pre-installed on stores other than Steam.
For Steam you'll need to install the free DLC, or download and install the patch manually from the links below:
Sable's Grimoire: Man And Elf is out at last! Available now on Steam, Itch and Fakku.
While we count down the days until Man And Elf's release, here's the recently completed trailer for A Dragon's Treasure: https://youtu.be/PKBTkGYVOD4
The release of A Dragon's Treasure has been delayed. The new release date is July 27th.
More details here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/717850/announcements/detail/2214028806021219900
Man And Elf is still on track for June 22nd release.
A new update for Sable's Grimoire is now available on Steam and Itch. Updates for other stores coming soon.
This update doesn't contain any new routes or other major content, just a lot of minor improvements.
More details here: https://steamcommunity.com/games/717850/announcements/detail/4697762823037990185
Small status update:
The script for A Dragon's Treasure is done. Just needs more editing/proofreading at this stage.
Man And Elf still has two scenes which aren't quite complete, otherwise it's in the same boat.
Remaining music and artwork is expected to be complete shortly.
Editing and checking for consistency may take longer than expected.
I'm currently going through all 3 games ensuring events, lore, etc. all match up. It's a surprisingly time-consuming process, but it's necessary.
The soundtrack store pages for Man And Elf and A Dragon's Treasure are now on Steam.
They will be released on the same date as their respective games.
Also, the first game's OST cover art has been updated to match the new ones.
Just another indie game dev who likes making visual novels