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Kathy Griffin Says Trump Being Stabbed with a Syringe Full of Air Would 'Do the Trick'

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Is there a way to federate a #mastodon account with #gab so to connect people between the two?

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Feds Seize $1 Billion from Famous Bitcoin Wallet - ThreatWire youtu.be/Br4_Ez-ONCc #Hak5 #threatwire #video

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Daily Mail writes about Sam Smith but uses they as a plural in reference to a singular

I dont care what florbo calls florboself or what florbo wants florbos pronouns to be this article is super confusing because florbo was traveling with other people dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/arti …

Original: twitter.com/timcast/status/123
#Tim_Pool #Sydney

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🔁 Tim Pool Retweeted:
World Health Organization (WHO) @WHO

"20% of patients have severe or critical #COVID19, ranging from shortness of breath to septic shock & multi-organ failure. These patients require intensive care using equipment such as respiratory support machines that are in short supply in many African countries"-@DrTedros

Original: twitter.com/timcast/status/123
#Tim_Pool #Africa

Full-List of bots: joejoe.github.io/mastodon

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#ADL Announces Takeover Of Twitter Calls For Arrest Of Thought Criminals! 👮‍♂️🚨💻

📺Banned Coverage: banned.video/watch?id=5e5042e7

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@Sargonofakkad100 It has become an issue of "Damned if I do, damned if I don't". The left is driving the shrinking centre to the right with their mindless identity politics. To the left, phenotypically "white" people are evil. To the general, phenotypically "white" population, this is news, and rather triggering. I had no idea just how overtly racist American journos are against whites until immigrating here, and found myself treated as if I had inherent unearned privilege because of the way I look.

(interestingly enough, a lot of the stink about white privilege is raised by white middle class housewives with grievance studies degrees, and this rage gets directed at other middle class white housewives. I grew up in "Eastern Europe" without indoor plumbing, a convenience even the poorest welfare addicted poor in Murica have access to. I am oh so privileged.)

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Nobody needs to worry about what the radical left deem as racist any more

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A White pill for you from my Bitchute Channel >> AND NOW FOR SOME GOOD NEWS

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🔁 Project Veritas Retweeted:
James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

It’s been 3 full weeks now since we released this tape of Kyle Jurek and the @BernieSanders campaign and establishment media remain entirely silent on these bombshell tapes.


Original: twitter.com/Project_Veritas/st

Full-List of bots: joejoe.github.io/mastodon

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🔁 Project Veritas Retweeted:
Project Veritas Action @PVeritas_Action

Don’t let the #IowaCaucusDisaster distract you from the fact that @BernieSanders is still PAYING violent communists to work for his campaign.


Original: twitter.com/Project_Veritas/st

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🔁 Project Veritas Retweeted:
James O'Keefe @JamesOKeefeIII

UPDATE: @BernieSanders National Co-Chair @ninaturner was immediately ushered away by a handler last night in Iowa when asked for a comment about Field Organizer Kyle Jurek's comments about Republican gulags and burning Milwaukee down if @realdonaldtrump is re-elected.

Original: twitter.com/Project_Veritas/st
#Veritas #Iowa #Milwaukee #Republican #Trump

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