Soooo one of the rear cameras and the front camera now work (for some definition of work) on the OnePlus 6?!!

fwiw this was taken in low light

Thanks to the mysterious DrGit who showed up with the patches. Seriously awesome!

@cas Nice work! But my OP6 doesn't find any cameras. I am on Edge/systemd by the way, don't know if that matters.

@cas @tomasoqvist

Snapshot worked for me as well (and with better results than qcam), although not consistently. Depending on the light situation I get a black image or purple tint (with the front camera). The fix suggested in by @rmader does not really solve the purple tint issue consistently.

@rolandlo @cas @tomasoqvist FTR. the only difference that systemd should make here is that it restarts Pipewire if it crashes.


@rmader @rolandlo @cas I upgraded my phone from Edge to Edge/systemd. Maybe it would work from a fresh pmbootstrap install. I will probably try that at some point.

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