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I can't spell. My grammar sucks. But I believe in the Oxford comma.

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I think I spend too much time around other Far Left Antifa Supersoldiers because hearing these ghoulish fucks talk about foreign policy is sickening to me, and I don't know how everyone else isn't screaming at them in that room tonight.

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Thank goodness we live in a Capitalist country that doesn't ideologically indoctrinate our youth, Ana.

Happy Monday, internet friends. I hope you have a great day to start your week.

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Andrew Yang 🧢 Retweeted:
Thanks to the #FreedomDividend we were able to be prepared for that 'unexpected $500 expense' today when the furnace went out. Breaks my heart that this isn't going to be reality for everyone quite as soon as we had hoped. But, it will happen.

I wish would implement issue #2351. Is there a way to contribute $ to a bounty?

Youtuber chubbyemu, medical case study presenter, talks about potential inhibitor for SARS2 virus.

It occurs to me that this survey lacks polarizing questions about speech and firearms. I have a feeling many would end up less libertarian than they do under the current questions.

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I found out where the two-dimensional political belief graphs are generated. Apparently I am -8, -8 making me solidly in the libertarian (not a surprise) and left (I thought I'd be more center) territory.

A few questions I hadn't thought of before, but was able to come to a conclusion. Example abstract art that doesn't represent anything shouldn't be considered art.

Quite a few questions are things I hadn't thought about. So I guess I know where to start reading next.

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No one's bred like Gaston
No one's fed like Gaston
No one taps your existential dread like Gaston

Animal cruelty, wtf 

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I've never understood why people think it's funny to give pets drugs and then watch them stumble around. The animal didn't know what they were getting into, they didn't consent. It breaks my heart.

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Be kind to your pets; don't give them drugs. Alcohol and THC are just as harmful for your pets as caffeine. It's your responsibility to keep things locked up, just as you would if you had a child around.

"THC — the psychoactive element of marijuana — is poisonous to [dogs]... the drug can sedate a dog so fully that it will inhale its own vomit..."

I recall hearing Lisette Alvarez, creator of , talking podcasts on NPR a while ago. A couple of searches later and I found it. I don't recall much other than thinking "hey, I listened to that podcast!" So maybe I'll give the story another listen.

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I'm giving Kalila Stormfire's Economical Magick Services a second chance. This is an inclusive urban fantasy story. I originally stopped listening due to a certain indicator that ended up used a lot early in season 2. I found the indicator highly annoying but I'm hoping that the story moves past the need to use it.

If you give it a listen I recommend making through episode 3, it is my favorite of the 17 episodes I've listened to so far.

I just learned that western healthcare company Bayer knowingly sold HIV contaminated products to Asia and Latin America because "financial investment was considered too high to destroy inventory." I can't even

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#Ubuntu is placing ads in its motd when you ssh in.

The way it fetches this ad is by doing

USER_AGENT="curl/$curl_ver $lsb $platform $cpu $uptime cloud_id/$cloud_id"

curl -A "$USER_AGENT" ...

In other words, Ubuntu is sending Canonical tracking information so it can serve you an ad.

This doesn't exactly run every time you log in (it caches the ad in /var/cache), but still... phoning home for a frickin ad?

Playing with TCP for the first time ever. Using the socket module in . I was really thrown for a loop when the socket automatically closed while trying to make sure I read the whole response.

In order to support multiple requests in a script I'm having to initialize a new socket for each request. This feels like I am doing something wrong, but with arbitrary length returns, no hint to response length, and no end character I'm not sure what else to do.

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Elizabeth doesn’t let Bloomberg off the hook re: women and non-disclosure agreements. She is well-prepared. Mike with a tone deaf answer saying “we’ll live with it.”
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