My old PC is now going to be acting as a server.
Time to in-place convert it from Fedora Workstation to Fedora Server (just removing all that graphical and audio stuff, who needs that?).
Also my ATX PSU cable was too short so I had to compromise and unscrew my PSU from the case to give some length.
So the build took around 5 hours.
Mostly because I had no light, cable management was a fucking pain in the ass, and my hands are too fucking big for ITX.
I'm planning on going to Micro Center tomorrow for the CPU, motherboard, ssd, and case
Now I'll have to compromise on the PSU get a different memory kit and hope they have the beige variant of the Noctua cooler
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RT @MarioBrothBlog
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20歳 | 公共図書館員 | *nix enthusiast | comp. sci. ⏩ elmhurst | discord: thebitstick#0821 | MakotoP