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TechZerker boosted

"With so many people becoming unemployed in the pandemic-induced recession, we have no choice but to handle our technology differently. Put another way: We need to make our tech last longer."

We agree! We are solving the problem of disposable technology with our Librem 5 phone:

TechZerker boosted

Purism Launches Librem 14 Security-Focused Linux Laptop

"...base configuration includes a six-core (12 threads) Intel Core i7-10710U, 8GB of RAM, and a 250GB SATA M.2 SSD"

Learn more about the Librem 14:

TechZerker boosted
TechZerker boosted

The new Post UI will be rolling out later this week!

Some highlights:

- Tagged People
- New Reply UI
- Improved Comment Threading
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Profile preview cards
- Live Comment Mode

#pixelfed #pixeldev

TechZerker boosted

I'm all-in on the #fediverse and have announced my departure from Twitter (for the like three people who actually care). Let's see how this goes! 🙂

TechZerker boosted

For those in the US celebrating July 4th, consider declaring your independence from online tracking and the harms it brings (filter bubbles, discrimination, manipulation, etc.).

Original tweet :

TechZerker boosted

Google has a shady competition & data protection past. Now it wants to buy @Fitbit.

Add your voice and demand that the @EU_Commission blocks this deal!

Sign the #NotOnOurWatch petition:

TechZerker boosted

Join us for You're A Wizard, Usysconf! hackfest tomorrow (Sat. July 4th) at 1400 UTC. Bryan and I will both be working on usysconf, where Bryan will be working on state tracking and dependencies and I'll be working on a dconf parser and transition utility.

Tune in via #Solus :solus:

TechZerker boosted

Repost from our old account and about an hour ago:

Here we go, sync is now underway! If you missed our blog post on the updates coming to the stable repo, check out our blog post at 🚀

As a reminder, make sure to do a complete upgrade and please be patient with downloading all the updates! 🙂 #Solus

TechZerker boosted
TechZerker boosted

The "Automate the Boring Stuff with Python" course on Udemy is currently free with the coupon code JUL2020FREE. Here's a link:

cc @baronvonjace

TechZerker boosted
TechZerker boosted

Day 60 of the #100DaysToOffload Series:

Yesterday @kev wrote an article about how email is not broken. Rarely is he just so wrong.

TechZerker boosted


Genius. They wrote a script to make a PDF look like it's printed, signed, and then scanned again. Because digital signatures are still not accepted in many places while a signed and scanned printout is.

This is hacking bureaucracy. I love it!


TechZerker boosted

Hello everyone, Jason had been hospitalized with a severe pneumonia called Legionnaires Disease.

We are obviously hoping for a fast and efficient recovery, and thank you for your continued positivity and prayers.

We all look forward to getting this show back on the road!

The L4E Team

TechZerker boosted

Hi All,

There will be no new Linux For Everyone content for the foreseeable. @killyourfm is currently unwell and we wish him a speedy recovery.

Jason may not respond to socials during this period so any DM's or mentions will be picked up when we can.


L4E Media Team

TechZerker boosted
TechZerker boosted

If #Google knew everything about you, they would’ve stopped listening to everything you say.

Look no further than your #email system for today’s #surveillancesaturday.

If you know that your #GMail & others are data-mined, is it entirely “on them” that your #privacy is undermined?

Be an active participant in your goal to remain private.

Avoid #surveillancecapitalism by choosing to make (sometimes difficult) decisions. Give your money to better companies with products that respect you more.

TechZerker boosted
TechZerker boosted

#introductions Hey everyone, I'm taking my first stab at this Fediverse thing. I am a developer interested in a variety of languages, particularly #scala, #typescript, #golang, #haskell, etc.

I have been using Linux as a daily driver for a few years now, currently using #gentoo.

I'm a huge fan of decentralization and self hosting. I'm currently working on a personal website with a blog attached @Zambyte and I'm working on DApps using the #algorand blockchain.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml