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Los primeros pasos del secador de de alimentos. Reciclando todo lo que se pueda.

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Yet another reason it's a good idea to move on from Twitter (and Facebook) to a decentralized option like Mastodon.

"Twitter took phone numbers users gave for account security and used them to target ads"

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Aspen batch phones going out next will get an anodized chassis - look at those kill switches. Thank you for your patience as we incrementally ship through tens of thousands of Librem 5 phones over the coming months. Yes, we know you're excited, we are too and you will be impressed!

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Starting from today @kde #PlasmaMobile team have decided to provide you with a weekly updates about things happening in the project! Is the first blog post in this series, and it is quite packed with all the awesome stuff!

Don't miss the Video of @postmarketOS developer @martijnbraam assembling the @PINE64 #Pinephone device. Which have a sneak preview of #PlasmaMobile. or video showing current state of #PlasmaMobile on @purism Librem 5 Development kit!

Thank you!

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¿Las visualizaciones de datos son prueba de algo? ¿No les damos un valor político excesivo? Vengan al tallercito que daré en el
@CCDmx en unos días y lo discutimos. Cosas del #SeminarioTF. ¡Es gratis!

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Huawei Just Started Selling Laptops With #Deepin #Linux Pre-Installed

Some of the best laptops on the market are now shipping with Deepin Linux pre-installed.

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Completed PCBs for prototype ("Brave Heart" batch) #PinePhone! They will be paired with their LCDs in about two weeks (next week is a Chinese holiday).

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Set your clocks and ready your webmail browser tabs!

The #PinebookPro starts shipping tomorrow!

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If you see an open-source project that has support for Twitter (in one way or another, could even be just linking to Twitter profiles in a website theme) but not Mastodon, go file an issue and ask kindly for it to support Mastodon, too.

Let's help this network grow!

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Estaré unos días inactivo por las redes sociales y en mi web, estoy de traslado, pero no de web, ni de dominio o nodo VPS, sino de casa "real" 😂

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Over 500 people have converged on Heidelberg this weekend for the big OpenStreetMap international conference "State Of The Map"  @sotm

Festejando el Software Freedom Day en La Feria Agroecológica de Río Ceballos!!

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml