The witch hunt continues:
My first thought: this is exactly what they (those who attacked rms) wanted. Divide and conquer.
My second thought: how has Stallman's behavior over the years undermined the empowerment of all computer users?
My last thought: why didn't the people making the statement explicitly state the behaviour(s) they believe to undermine?
@clacke You're not communicating very well. Your response just seems like a pithy dismissal. You've provided glib answers to important questions without providing any references to back up what you're saying.
@clacke That reference does not do. I can find evidence on that website, after having to find it, supporting only one of the complaints you raised. Can I suggest that you take the time to lay out your complaints clearly, in depth and with supporting references? Possibly using a medium that isn't bound by character limits and doesn't engender low signal-to-noise ratios? Your complaints might then be less likely to be dismissed as jumping on the bandwagon of irrational appeals to outrage. (2/2)
@clacke I'll repeat myself:
Can I suggest that you take the time to lay out your complaints clearly, in depth and with supporting references? Possibly using a medium that isn't bound by character limits and doesn't engender low signal-to-noise ratios? Your complaints might then be less likely to be dismissed as jumping on the bandwagon of irrational appeals to outrage.