The witch hunt continues:
My first thought: this is exactly what they (those who attacked rms) wanted. Divide and conquer.
My second thought: how has Stallman's behavior over the years undermined the empowerment of all computer users?
My last thought: why didn't the people making the statement explicitly state the behaviour(s) they believe to undermine?
@clacke You're not communicating very well. Your response just seems like a pithy dismissal. You've provided glib answers to important questions without providing any references to back up what you're saying.
@clacke You're still not communicating well. You haven't responded to the specific questions I asked and instead have just presented a list of note-form complaints. Presumably you expect your readers to go off and convince themselves that what you say isn't nonsense rather than you putting in the effort to communicate properly and intelligently. (1/2)