... those who were at the receiving end of his scathing criticism of surveillance state/surveillance capitalism. #RMS has been an outspoken defendant of #Wikileaks, Julian #Assange, Chelsea #Manning and Edward #Snowden.
The abrupt resignation of #RMS is a victory to the big brother. It leaves a political vacuum that those who applaud the resignation can never, and will never fill.
... in order to "prove" that he has been "abusive" and "controversial" from the very start; that he "defended paedophilia" and exhibited "creepy behaviour towards women".
Soon, they will start packaging it in combination with attacks against his resolute defense of software freedom, opposition to the surveillance state and US-lead imperialist war drive around the world. Those who replace him will undermine what #RMS stood for, politically.
Did I mention that some already go as far as to portray him as an apologist of Epstein? #Techcrunch still has an article titled "Computer scientist Richard Stallman, who defended Jeffrey Epstein, resigns from MIT CSAIL and the Free Software Foundation"!!!
How can this go unchallenged? This is a campaign that bends and stretches facts in the most surreal way. The principal rule that has been applied against #RMS is "anything goes". The similarities this has to the witch-hunt against Jacob Appelbaum are astonishing!
The old school free software community must wake up! Demand an open and inclusive discussion on the issues at stake at all places, all forums and mailing lists.