@danarel Great! Goodreads tells me I've read 33, but there are some children's books and comics in there, so actually probably less than you. Keep up, you'll hit 40 by new year
@mijutu tuskin opettaja tuolle mahtaa mitään. Kunnan sivistystoimi?
@MaddieT@tech.lgbt I agree that we need smaller cars. But what part makes the bike unusable? https://www.podbike.com/ is legally a bike.
@atoponce where's argon2 support?
I miss written tutorials. I hate how every tutorial is a YouTube now. I don’t want to watch 15 minutes and forget to pay attention for the second that has the detail that I am missing or it just doesn’t show. Even short tutorials are 3 minutes when it could have been a ten second read. I want to skim a page and go directly to the point. Has writing really become that hard to do?
By @jmkorhonen over at birdsite (in Finnish) https://twitter.com/jmkorhonen/status/1668973562516975617
@corduroy is eink tech still patented and single-supplier? Displays of that size can't be cheap.
https://norkko.fi/ KKK active throughout Finland? 😜
I wrote about must* helpers in Go https://paul.totterman.name/posts/golang-generic-must/
@JuhaLipponen December on roomalaisten mukaan kymmenes kuukausi, ei kahdestoista. Heillä tosin oli epämääräinen talvikausi joka myöhemmin jaettiin kahdeksi kuukaudeksi (Ianiarius, Ferbruarius). Mutta vuosi alkoi alunperin Marsin kuukaudella keväällä. Vuoden alku siirrettiin myöhemmin (n. 153 eaa?) joulukuun ja tammikuun väliin.
All these years later, I just can’t get comfortable with a computer platform where you can write code for it, but the vendor gets to say whether or not people can run your code.
I thought that was wrong the day it was announced and still do.
The money says I’m in a minority. I’m comfortable with that.
The Web remains the only platform without a proprietor. Treasure it.
Gandi price increases are fucking wild this year. All below are per year including taxes...
A .uk is going from £9.46 to £11.99. And a .dev is going from £14.96 to £17.99.
And domains will no longer include any free mailboxes.
Meanwhile mailboxes are going from £4.44 per mailbox to £35.88 per mailbox.
I have 5 .co.uk domains, 3 .dev domains and 3 mailboxes. So total annual cost for me is going from £92.18 to £221.56, a 140% price increase.
If you had just one .co.uk domain and were using a single mailbox you'd see the annual cost go from £9.46 to £45.34, a 379% price increase.
I know inflation is high right now but what the utter fuck?
Looks like I need to find another domain registrar. Any recommendations?
Alright, the Earth has only one mechanism for releasing heat to space, and that’s via (infrared) radiation. We understand the phenomenon perfectly well, and can predict the surface temperature of the planet as a function of how much energy the human race produces. The upshot is that at a 2.3% growth rate (conveniently chosen to represent a 10× increase every century), we would reach boiling temperature in about 400 years. https://dothemath.ucsd.edu/2012/04/economist-meets-physicist/
Could we try to fix the security issue that is MITM on TOFU in SSH by using Web PKI? https://paul.totterman.name/posts/ssh-pki-web-pki/
@jpmens udp vpn or iodine ip over dns?