@tedu doesn't static compilation only include those that you make use of?
Note: if you boosted and got angry about the earlier article shaming their failures, you should be boosting and being supportive of the redemption, too. Human nature makes outrage sexy and redemption boring.
RaptorCS's redemption: the POWER9 machine works
James Mickens is a treasure
Let's talk about HTML5 live streaming. There are two competing technologies for it: DASH and HLS. They are terrible.
When both were implemented, there already existed several established, simple, standardized, and broadly supported options for live streaming video. Browsers wanted none of it.
Instead, Apple came up with HLS. It splits your video and audio into separate streams and then cuts them up into N second chunks (usually 5-30 seconds). Then it uses JavaScript to poll a playlist file for the list of upcoming segments, then munges them into a non-live <video> and <audio> element in real time.
This garbage is patent encumbered.
Therefore, Google made basically the exact same thing except they used XML, fucking XML, for the manifest.
This is what's happening behind the scenes of all live video you watch on the internet. This is also in no small part responsible for livestreaming video murdering any low-powered devices you try to play it on. Because JavaScript is king and standards are for losers.
@tedu what? Where?
@danarel@mastodon.technology there have been some critical pieces on hn, but https://medium.com/@nikitonsky/medium-is-a-poor-choice-for-blogging-bb0048d19133 , https://medium.com/thought-pills/why-you-shouldn-t-blog-on-medium-e3fd8abafb06 , https://www.webdistortion.com/2019/05/16/can-we-all-please-stop-using-medium-now/ , https://www.cdevn.com/why-medium-actually-sucks/ , https://arslan.io/2017/07/30/why-i-left-medium-and-moved-back-to-my-own-domain/
"U.S. attorney general William Barr has said consumers should accept the risks that encryption backdoors pose to their personal cybersecurity to ensure law enforcement can access encrypted communications." 🙄 https://techcrunch.com/2019/07/23/william-barr-consumers-security-risks-backdoors/
@cks I prefer open source bitwarden (with my personal server running bitwarden_rs) to avoid being tied to one vendor
@tedu I think so, yes. But there's the dev build channel or something similar, which IIRC was suitable for developing extensions