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I would be much more comfortable with some of alternate standard, a standard for webapps where folks could download them similarly to how "Chromium Apps" used to work. But the idea of having the web filled with JS instead of the originally intended hypertext makes me a bit... sad. Espeically because I never really lived to see the web in it's purest form. I started using the internet in the Flash era.

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While I have respect for any programmer, regardless of language, the sheer amount of web developers who cram needless JS in their website makes me sad. That's not to say that JS itself is an inherently bad language, but perhaps introducing it as a web standard was a mistake.

Concept: Famicom Mastodon client using the Famicom Modem and the Family BASIC keyboard.

I finished up the #Gopher server I started writing yesterday.

Now you can "go for" my #GopherHole to see it in action


I could probably make it better by rewriting it. At 151 lines, I might at some point.

Also: The source is 5.7K while the file accompanying it is is 9.0K.

"Source available" licenses are more nonfree / dangerous than straight up traditional proprietary no-source-available software/licenses. I am actively afraid of being exposed to code under such a license: that's now information that is difficult for me to use in my work on FOSS.

On the normalization of surveillance.

Just watched a commercial for xfinity wifi in which there's the classic scene, teenage boy climbs through window to visit girlfriend after curfew, but then, wham, dad pops in. Busted. Dad holds up his phone, showing a notification. "Kid's phone has connected to wifi."

This is of course being sold as security feature, but it's kinda creepy, no? Every time you go near someone's house, they get an alert? And there's the angle that we carry tracking devices with us at all times, with the expectation (if not the reality) perhaps that only authorized people will review our records, but our devices are also quite promiscuous about attaching to wifi networks and revealing our movements. And clearly there's a market for watchers, based on the fact there's a whole ad targeting them.

"By cross-referencing just one hour of video footage from public webcams with Instagram stories taken and shared in Times Square, BuzzFeed News was able to confirm the real names and identities of a half dozen people."
.onion: bfnews3u2ox4m4ty.onion/article

We integrated UX research into digital security trainings. We now proudly have a software development cycle that puts users first and respects privacy.

In 2017-19, we reached ~800 people in person, including #humanrights defenders, journalists, and political activists.

I'm waiting for "Login with Facebook" buttons on

Appanrently University of Alabama is forcing students to download spyware that tracks their location if they want to attend (American) football games. This is to ensure they don't leave, and if they stay at enough games long enough they get points toward tickets to championshop games.
Or archivecaslytosk.onion/UvriX

I live in this god forsaken state, and have friends at that uni. This is beyond Orwellian.

My Neocities website ( has 20,000 views. God damn. This doesn't include views from the hidden service or the OpenNIC domain (polaris.libre).

Programmers: "ha ha it's so good you don't need to learn anything to be a coder now you just copy and paste stuff from Stack Overflow lol. School is for nerds."

Meanwhile CPU designers are frantically trying to increase core clock speed and compiler writers are trying to develop more and more complex optimizers to handle the endless tide of shitty polynomial algorithms written in JavaScript.

Just a PSA, DNSCrypt by default comes with Google and Cloudflare DNS servers. I would recommend the CryptoStorm DNSCrypt config:

Please support libre software devs, free culture artists, muisicans if you have the money. It is incredibly important for the future of our movement as a whole.

A new edition of the book Modern C is now available under a CC license via the following page

Wait, Mastodon supports audio only posts now, right? And you can also subscribe to a Mastodon account through RSS, right? 🙂 Would that be a valid podcast you could add to a podcast client? 🤔😊

#Podcast #Mastodon #MastoDev #FOSS

"#DefectiveByDesign is calling on you to stand up against Digital Restrictions Management (#DRM) on the International Day Against DRM (#IDAD) on October 12th, 2019."

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml