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So I mentioned last night that my open-source work on the fediverse (mastodon, pixelfed, etc) was funded for 10-13 hours per month, in my head I had a figure of €1000/month that I was using as the donation income I receive.

I just checked and it's actually closer to €700/month.

Your support for my work is greatly appreciated & helps enable work that quietly affects about a million people.

How Major League Teams Use R to Analyze Baseball Data - video presentation by Keith Woolner, principal data scientist for the Cleveland Guardians, at the Cleveland R User Group

#RStats #SportsAnalytics @rstats

I wrote about Reddit, Stack Overflow, and how this new more extractive era of the internet has changed the bargain between platforms and users

❇️ Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor USA 🇺🇸 04/2024 - Title:
🔴 "Yet another bath night cut short by
Brian's free-spirited tailbone" 🦕
🟡 "Eine weitere Badenacht, die durch
Brians freies Steißbein
unterbrochen wurde." 🛁
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Dinosaur #BathNight #PullingThePlug #GoodMorning !☕🥐

As a former director for civic integrity at Twitter, I’ve been disturbed for some time about what Elon Musk is doing with his private global platform.

Today, I took the step of leaving Twitter, completely.

Here’s my last tweet:

From our #memes channel in our forum community <3

What #linux distro are you rocking?!

tidycensus creator Kyle Walker: “I've updated my ‘Mapping Immigrant America’ project, an interactive dot-density map of the US foreign-born population, to the latest 2018-2022 ACS data.

“Explore here:

“Advancements in #rstats, tidycensus, and Mapbox since I first designed the map nearly a decade ago now mean the data pipeline can run in a single morning, so future maps like this are straightforward to make”


#RSpatial #GIS #USCensus

DELIGHTED to say that my latest tech history column is live on Every and they've made this one free-to-read.

Because it covers one of the most overlooked founders of the golden age of computing: Lore Harp McGovern, founder of Vector Graphic who pioneered small/medium business computing.

She deserves to be better known. Certainly deserves more than a single paragraph on Wikipedia. Read and spread the word #computing #history

The eldest among us remember the First Web, before search engines were Good Actually. They used secret magics to make sense of the chaos that was the First Web.

Site directories.

Web rings.

Home pages linking to trusted sites.

Homework study notes.

Now that the Search Engines have fallen it is time to bring those ancient tools back, for ourselves and the youngest among us who never knew the First Web.

Just saw STRANGERS ON A TRAIN (1951) on 35mm at the Paris Theater in NYC.

There’s nothing better than Hitchcock on the big screen w/ a responsive crowd!

#AlfredHitchcock #StrangersOnATrain

⚪ Kurz noch vier... Lieblingsfotos ?
🟤 Four more... Favorite photos ?
📷 by Artist: #ChrisFroese in Loc.: #Bystrzyckie Poland 🇵🇱 - Title: "Kradzież księżyca" - ("Stealing the moon" /"Den Mond stehlen" - #Art #Streetart #PhotoArt #Fotografie #Photography #Nature #Moon #Artist ➡️ #APhotoLove Website:

What are some of the biggest threats to open-source data science today? Posit's Wes McKinney joins Ken Jee's Nearest Neighbors podcast, discussing that topic & more.

If you're curious about where open-source tooling for analytics is headed, and threats to keeping analytics best practice open, you should definitely have a listen.

#OpenSource #DataScience

Many people affected by the recent blocking of #Telegram in 🇪🇸 Spain are looking for alternatives - especially decentralized ones.

#Snikket is one of those alternatives, and fully open-source. However, our Spanish translations are lacking, which can lead to a poor experience for our #hispanohablante friends.

If you think you could help us with translation, please reach out 🙂

Help the FSF in its campaign to end DRM in education, whether that be DRM-free music, textbooks, or elsewhere. Invest in a free future by donating to the FSF today and help us reach our goal of collecting $425,000. #LearnLibre #DRMFree #EndDRM #Education

After a good 9-month gestation with Pedro Duarte, a birth assisted by the more benevolent and skilled team I could think of. Many thanks to CIRED researchers
for the warm welcome and fruitful discussions

I’ll let you in on a secret: I love sporadically updated weblogs. I subscribe to over 1200 feeds and most of them are sporadic or even technically “inactive”. Months often pass between updates

It means that every post published was important to the writer

Back in the days of snail mail, letters that began with “It’s been a while since I last wrote to you” were the ones people cherished the most

You don’t need to post every day or even every week to have a blog that matters

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