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@undercoverhistorian @historyofeconomics
This idea of using tractability to tell history is compelling. Giocoli's 2015 "Old lady charm" is another example of it; he wonders why post-Chicago IO replaced Chicago IO in the classroom, but not in the courtroom. And one of the explanations he provides is that Chicago price theory had clear implications for competition law, while post-Chicago game theory is much more ambiguous (i.e. less tractable for legal analysis).

your weekend read #1: insane shenanigans are happening in Wisconsin, arguably *the* top swing state. They're over who'll direct Wisconsin elections next year during the presidential race.

it's largely under-radar, but so critical to stay on top of this:

@nextcloud Huh? This blog post is from 5 months ago and I've been using AIO for over a year. What exactly is "now available" ?

My book "Building reproducible analytical pipelines with #rstats" is done! Buy a drm-free epub or pdf @leanpub :

Physical (check your local market place)

Read for free forever:

#RStats #datascience

I want to change the primary revenue model of the Web from invasive advertising to audience-supported creation.

This can be accomplished by building payments into the browser as a platform feature of the Web and by adding a social interaction layer onto websites to liberate creators from controlling, closed content platforms (eg Instagram, Twitter, TikTok).

I am so grateful to be working with @Interledger on these big ideas!

Curious? Watch my 15 minute talk at

Wild situation unfolding in Wisconsin.

GOP is trying to force out the head of elections, who's been targeted by Big Lie conspiracies.

Now she's hanging into office due to a court ruling GOP once cheered.

And... supreme court is days from flipping left.

Even with everything, by far the funniest change is still altering the Tweet placeholder text from "What's happening?" to "What is happening!?" and I'm convinced it wasn't an Elon change but in fact a sly dev crying out for help.

OTA-2 Call For Testing

Ubuntu Touch 20.04 OTA-2 is scheduled for release on Friday 28th July 2023. To keep that on track we really need your help with testing. To find out what needs doing use the link, read the blog and please start testing

#UBports #UbuntuTouch #OTA2 #CallForTesting #Mobilelinux #Opensource #Lomiri

Looking to hire a #designer for a logo / branding project.

In short, I'm finally creating my own site that will host my blog, some mini courses and pages. Everything will be donation based and go directly to #opensource.

A constant theme will be taking old computers, and fixing them up with #linux to give them out locally to people in need.

So naturally, it will be

Need a fun logo and branding help. Again, this is paid. Please boost :)

My ROFL for the day:

The women´s football (soccer) world cup is on. In an interview, one of the German players was asked "so who´s the female Neymar"?

Her reply was "I don´t think there´s a female Neymar. For example, I don´t know any female players who keep laying on the ground for two or three minutes".


This is the real, human cost of mass surveillance of everyone's private digital communications.

If we actually care about keeping people safe, we need more end-to-end encryption not less.

Interesting comparisons for the nearly identical posts I made earlier today about the death of Kevin Mitnick:

Facebook: (4.5k followers) - 1 comment, 6 likes
Mastodon: (47k followers) - 42 boosts, 49 likes (5.2k followers) - no engagement
Threads (<500 followers) - 2 likes
Twitter: (114.2k followers) - 7 retweets, 3 likes


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My wife has been playing Paper Mario: The Origami King, and one of the musical peices kept reminding me of something, but I finally figured it out. It's very, very similar to R2DJ's "A Beautiful Mine," which you may know as the theme from TV's Mad Men. Clips:

Scorching Sandpaper Desert Battle Theme

R2DJ - A Beautiful Mine

@kjhealy In an interview, Gef said he wasn’t bothered by the press coverage. “Kooo. Kooooo” he added.

@Natanox The issue is that Linux support on MBP's depends on a lot on the year, and for the 2016-2017 era, it depends a lot on the specific model what functionality you will get. This repo has a helpful overview:

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