It’s REALLY important that #Vancouver’s Downtown Business Association, who were originally AGAINST downtown bike-lanes, later became one of their most vigourous supporters, because of EVIDENCE that bike-lanes are better for downtown business than any street parking they replace.
@derek I'm not going to sign up, but there are some people from twitter who never shifted to mastodon but are trying threads, and I am excited to be able to follow them from the fedi instead of from twitter.
@arstechnica It had been a while since I saw a news story that made me as excited as this one!
Fairphone is coming to America
Fairphone teams up with the developer of the /e/ Android fork to enable US sales.
@osc I think that's right and a great example of why interoperability at the protocol level is so important in digital markets.
Some people on fediverse cannot fathom that Meta would do something good for users. My own guess would be that they are doing this to diffuse some of the pressure they are under from ongoing antitrust lawsuits from government agencies.
Sir Isaac Newton's "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" was published #OTD in 1687. Often referred to as just “the Principia,” it presents Newton’s laws of motion and his universal law of gravitation.
336 years old and we still teach its main results!
An important note!
The “publication date” of July 5, 1687 is a convenient starting point for a discussion of Principia. But as @rmathematicus explains in this blog post, it is not a publication date in the sense commonly understood today.
Rather than spoil the punchline, I encourage you to read the post:
Here’s my big announcement!
As a human rights lawyer, I’ve spent my career supporting DV survivors, asylum seekers, and demanding economic, social, and climate justice.
I’m running for U.S. Congress in the district I grew up in because these crises are getting worse—and justice can’t wait.
Watch our launch video here:
Donate Here:
I firmly believe that if Ukraine falls, it will embolden autocrats around the world and endanger the faith that citizens of the free world have in democracy.
Looking for news?
Follow @w7voa and @fulelo. Both post a variety of news stories throughout the day.
After following, hit the notification button, so that you will not miss their posts. (You can set up a list that will do the same thing. Both notifications and lists set up what is a second feed.)
There are some news organizations to follow:
@gbhnews (Boston)
@TexasObserver (Texas)
@TucsonSentinel (Arizona)
@flatwaterfreepress (Nebraska)
@damemagazine (General)
@ProPublica (General)
All of these individuals and organizations have shown a commitment to the fediverse and Mastodon.
And I edited this post because we can here. 🤣
Reddit has now sufficiently broken their own site that moderators of the Blind subreddit who are themselves blind can no longer access the moderator tools.
This statement by the mod team is worth a read to understand the full extent of the failure.
BlueSky is pausing new accounts due to tech issues. Interestingly, when the main Mastodon server was overwhelmed with new accounts (which obviously can happen to anyone), users could still create new account on other servers, or start their own servers, which demonstrated the advantages of a decentralized social network. #bluesky #mastodon
@zak @Em0nM4stodon I’ve recently pre-ordered the amd one. First time I am buying a new laptop in about 10 years (had just been buying refurbished), their approach was too compelling to pass up!
@strypey completely agree and I’ve been looking to help with research on the value of oss in the us. Will report back when I have some results
1 half-empty old packet native #pnw wildflower mix.
1/2 tsp poppy seeds (locally sourced).
50 bigleaf maple leaves (fallen).
1 triangular patch November soil.
Mix seed ingredients vigorously in small bowl, about 2 mins. Chuck mixture freely onto 6 sq ft bare earth. Cover with leaves. Refrigerate 6 months until late April. Bake slowly @ 65 to 75 F (18 to 24 C) for 3 to 4 weeks, until photo is mostly pink.
Share and enjoy!
💯 💚 😎
@atomicpoet This was my original interesting in AP protocol. Even if the centralized platform has a benevolent leader, it is too much power for one person to have regarding content moderation and feature development. I guess that logic extends to the power to run a business into the ground.
Economist. Antitrust policy; industrial organization; history of economics