Another classic, incisive post from @mmasnick Re: Elon’s supposed thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters:
“So… within the span of about 2 to 3 pages we are told that Elon Musk and exTwitter are passionate supporters of free speech that allow “all viewpoints” to be shared and that Musk is filing this lawsuit to force Media Matters to take down speech that he admits is absolutely true, but where he doesn’t like how they portrayed things.”
You need to report results from your R analyeses in Word or powerpoint? Your organisation requires the use of very speccific formating? The packages in the officeverse might be of help:
🍁 Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor MI, USA 🇺🇸 2023 - Title:
🔴 "Kyle is hoping to find an
audience with his new 12-part
series about chromatophores. 🐙
🟡 "Kyle hofft, mit seiner neuen
12-teiligen Serie über
Chromatophoren ein Publikum
zu finden.
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Octopus #Podcast #Science #UrbanArt #Cephalopodcaster 🐙
I know the odds are low, but the fediverse has come through for me in amazing and unexpected ways before.
For those who don't know me, I'm a 29-year-old support engineer and FOSS enthusiast, who is currently in kidney failure.
If you live in North Carolina or can travel to Duke Hospital, and would be willing to consider donating your kidney, please call 1-800-249-5864 and let them know you want to inquire about donating to Timothy Dyer (my legal name).
Thank you! (Boosts appreciated)
Join us for a meta-replication! Replicators are paid EUR 2,500 to conduct a robustness replication in development economics. Plus co-authorship on a meta-paper and lead authorship on replication report. Apply until Nov 26! #econtwitter
What is The Document Foundation, the non-profit entity behind @libreoffice? This video (from our recent conference) explains all: #foss #OpenSource
@zak about two years ago I had problems with the nvidia 320M with nouveau that the laptop would not wake from suspend. It sounds like that has been fixed at some point since then but I haven’t yet dusted mine off to test.
i before e
Except when your foreign neighbour Keith received eight counterfeit beige sleighs from feisty caffeinated weightlifters.
@WearsHats @LadyDragonfly NPR had a really nice podcast episode about The Landlord's Game and its creator, Lizzie Magie
Today we drove to Bellevue, MI to witness the annual fall migration of thousands of Sandhill Cranes. Turn on your sound to listen to their calls, which can be heard up to 2.5 miles away.
These magnificent #birds nearly disappeared a century ago due to overhunting, but populations rebounded & are now stable in MI.
Sandhill Cranes are among the oldest living birds on Earth with a wingspan of up to 6 ft. Aldo Leopold described them as "nobility, won in the march of eons."
Excellent story on how HBO execs used an army of secret fake accounts on Twitter to harass TV critics who gave poor reviews to their shows
It shows why people shouldn't just write off anonymous comments online as just "trolls" — some of them are coordinated campaigns by extremely powerful people with an axe to grind.
@harrymccracken It should be a requirement that if a company decides to shut down a product with millions of users, they must open-source the code.
Tonight in 1971 — Beulah Bondi (age 82) guest starred on THE JIMMY STEWART SHOW on NBC.
She played Jimmy’s mother for the fifth (and final) time in 33-year span (including IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE).
Here’s what Apple really means when it says ‘shot on iPhone’
Economist. Antitrust policy; industrial organization; history of economics