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The Russells published the result in the journal “Radiology” in 1952.

Since most women aren’t aware they are pregnant in those first weeks, the Russells suggested that radiologists restrict diagnostic x-rays in women of childbearing age to the 2 weeks following menstruation, as a precaution.


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A couple of batards for #brekky. These are 100% AP, 85% water, 15% “harvest grain” seed mix from King Arthur and 50% starter (100% water). Baked in a very large cast iron pot (big rectangular thing) at 450F, 15min lid on, 18min off (actually I bake on the lid, upside down). #Sourdough #BreadBaking #baguettes

@paigeroberts @kawulf @histodons Duke is looking for a curator for their Economists’ Papers Archive and that community tries to foster these collaborations across scholars and archivists

Ok I figured it out:
Twitter is for jocks
BlueSky is for theater kids
Mastodon is for nerds
Threads is for cheerleaders

Katherine Johnson passed away in 2020, at the age of 101. Editorial cartoonist Steve Breen’s lovely tribute perfectly captured Johnson’s contributions to the US space program.

Credit: Steve Breen

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The bad news: our main campus library just announced it's cutting hours because of budget cuts and reduced student demand.

The good news! Our brand new 3,000 square foot E-sports center with 55 new MSI Trident gaming computers, 3 65" and 3 86" screens for livecasting games is now open!

What budget crisis?! Gotta keep looking on the bright side! #highered #academia @academicchatter

It's weird, I work at a software company and I get to influence new features literally every single day, but I'm more excited about this Mastodon rolling out and seeing people love it, knowing that I played a part in it getting created ❤️

I am surprised this paper received so little attention. It dramatically reduces RAM requirements for very big #statistical #generalizedlinearmodels while offering #computational speed ups ~x500. A #recommender system used it in a #neuralnetwork with #tensorflow to get substantial time & memory savings.
Languages with #array/ #tensor features should take note, as this is a serious contender to sparse matrix computations #datascience #machinelearning

"Almost any scene we ever did, we could look into each other's eyes and be comforting or uplifting for each other.” — Mary Tyler Moore

Valerie Harper (1939-2019) was born on this day.

People keep saying, we should not use electric cars, because the car batteries are damaging the environment.
Jerry visits a recycling facility which recycles 95 percent of car battery materials, and the process is quite clever:

This has absolutely no business, none whatsoever, being as good as it is:

"10 years ago today, people said we were crazy to pedestrianize Broadway 🇺🇸. Today, it would be crazy to bring the🚗cars back." ~ Janette Sadik-Khan

More crazy Hahn stories

Dasgupta defended his Cambridge thesis the day before his wedding, Hahn was external examiner

Hahn said he got a proof wrong

Dasgupta found *Hahn's* proof was wrong, rushed to his home hours before his wedding to settle the matter

Hahn: "you must learn that Uncle is never wrong"

Dasgupta: I didn't wish to dispute this, I was going to be late for my wedding

@historyofeconomics #histecon #historyofeconomics

With the rise of self-driving vehicles, it's only a matter of time before we get a country song where a guy's truck leaves him too.

@undercoverhistorian @historyofeconomics Wow. This is also a nice reminder of early days of the internet. I hadn't heard "Compuserve" in a long while, and also sharing an email with your spouse :)

Wisconsin’s #Dairy Industry Relies on #Undocumented Immigrants, but the State Won’t Let Them Legally Drive

Undocumented #immigrants in the state can own and register their vehicles, but they aren’t allowed to drive them, forcing many #farm workers to risk fines and #arrest.

“It’s a Catch-22 for a lot of folks,” advocates say.

#Wisconsin #Immigration #Farming #Farms #Safety #Police #Driving #Cards #News

Did you know, you can use LibreOffice to merge multiple PDFs?

If not, then read on:

Tech companies: with the power of tech you can work from anywhere!

Also tech companies: we still need you to come back into the office though.

(This is not a post about me)

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