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My ROFL for the day:

The women´s football (soccer) world cup is on. In an interview, one of the German players was asked "so who´s the female Neymar"?

Her reply was "I don´t think there´s a female Neymar. For example, I don´t know any female players who keep laying on the ground for two or three minutes".


This is the real, human cost of mass surveillance of everyone's private digital communications.

If we actually care about keeping people safe, we need more end-to-end encryption not less.

Interesting comparisons for the nearly identical posts I made earlier today about the death of Kevin Mitnick:

Facebook: (4.5k followers) - 1 comment, 6 likes
Mastodon: (47k followers) - 42 boosts, 49 likes (5.2k followers) - no engagement
Threads (<500 followers) - 2 likes
Twitter: (114.2k followers) - 7 retweets, 3 likes


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My wife has been playing Paper Mario: The Origami King, and one of the musical peices kept reminding me of something, but I finally figured it out. It's very, very similar to R2DJ's "A Beautiful Mine," which you may know as the theme from TV's Mad Men. Clips:

Scorching Sandpaper Desert Battle Theme

R2DJ - A Beautiful Mine

@kjhealy In an interview, Gef said he wasn’t bothered by the press coverage. “Kooo. Kooooo” he added.

@Natanox The issue is that Linux support on MBP's depends on a lot on the year, and for the 2016-2017 era, it depends a lot on the specific model what functionality you will get. This repo has a helpful overview:

get a dog they said, it'll be fun they said 😆

Sometimes Elon stans call me out on Twitter when people post the "cars and rockets" post, demanding to know what stupid things Elon says about software.

Here's a primo example.

In this exchange, Elon thinks Adam Mosseri is adding rate limits to Threads just like he added them to Twitter, and that he "copied" Elon.

Anyone who understands software knows Adam is talking about WRITE rate limits to curb spam posts. Elon implemented READ rate limits in an application that relies on ad impressions.

Breakthrough in geothermal energy 👇👇

An US company managed to generate a whopping 3.5 megawatts of 100% RE electricity at a full-scale, 30-day test.

The plant will connect to the grid later this year and power Google's data centers and infrastructure throughout Nevada.

@caseynewton you know as well as anyone that downloads matter little compared to engagement. A decade ago the cw was you would rather have a small social app with lots of engagement than a big one with no engagement. If Threads releases some engagement metrics we’ll have a better idea of whether it will stick around

The Wikimedia Foundation, which serves as the non-profit host for #Wikipedia, @wikidata, @mediawiki, and other free knowledge projects, has joined the Fediverse as @wikimediafoundation - welcome!!

Help! Help! I am trapped
in a haiku factory!
Save me before they

We also met with the amazingly professional Predator, Apache and Blackhawk pilots that were stationed there for training and deterrence purposes. It’s astonishing to me just how squared away these soldiers were – not a question I asked phased them.

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About 109 billion people have lived & died. Each grain of sand represents 10 million.

This stunning data visualization of human life by Max Roser was published in 2022.

Today there would be 805 green grains representing 8.05 billion people living on Earth. #science #art

Our Berkeley Center for Data Science & Environment is hiring another Research Software Engineer / Data Scientist!

Details (including expected salary) at

Please boost and reach out w/ questions!

@carnage4life Omg I can't believe that is real. Wow. I really really hope the board replaces the CEO.

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