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I guess I'd be pissed off too if I spent all that money for a private jet and then found out it didn't actually make me invisible.

Huh, first post. Let's go with a good one! I am quite pleased to announce that my book Ujamaa’s Army: The Creation and Evolution of the Tanzania People’s Defence Force 1964-1979 is now officially under contract with Ohio's War and Militarism in African History series. Look for it in print in 2023!

Just thought that the radiant Rebecca Luker singing “My White Knight” would make a good first real post.

Aviv Nevo is the new chief economist at the FTC! This is a serious economist joining an agency that wants to deprivilege economic analysis. How will it work out? Will Aviv teach the Commissioners economics or will the Commissioners convert Aviv to getting along without it?

Be kind, since everyone you meet is fighting a tough battle.

One question was on how to set up your own course textbooks. I'll be offering a workshop on how to set up online textbooks using quarto and #rstats in the new year (I'll announce it here).

You can also fork the repository for our curent book template if you have some experience with github.

I really couldn't have asked for a better clip to close out my intro to sociology class this semester. Thankful to hear Tressie McMillan Cottom on public space, social media, and the value of curiosity:

Did you know Monopoly was invented by a woman named Elizabeth Magie in 1903?

Originally ‘The Landlord’s Game,’ it was designed as a protest against the big monopolists of her time like Carnegie & Rockefeller.

But it was Charles Darrow, an unemployed salesman, who eventually sold it to Parker Brothers after playing a version.

Parker Brothers credited Monopoly with saving their company. Magie died in 1948 without recognition. Darrow became very wealthy & his legend lives on. #history #women

@Sheril There is a wonderful paper about how the prominent economist Harold Hotelling was influenced by The Landlord's Game.
Thomas Michael Mueller
"Rescuing Henry George: Optimization, Welfare, and the Monopoly Game in Harold Hotelling’s Economic Thought"

@kjhealy wow, time for a new edition of the Data Visualization book?

Austin Goolsbee will be the next president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago! Wow. Many congratulations.

Zotero continues to be the best reference manager around — #FOSS, made by scholars for scholars. Upcoming features (now available for beta testing) include automatic relinking of #mendeley citations, much faster #googledocs integration, and support for #latex math in notes

If you don't use a reference manager yet (or if you're using a for-profit one like Mendeley or EndNote) you can always give #Zotero a whirl: it's free and doesn't lock you in:


So far I feel as though Mastodon is giving me 70% or 80% of what I liked about Twitter and pretty close to 0% of what I didn’t like.

@philshapiro It is possible to put a link to your website in the profile section and then get it verified. It’s even more clever than the blue check mark because you don’t want to wait for one company to decide you are checkmark-worthy.

Nice thing about Mastodon: It's one of the extremely rare web pages I visit where my ad blocker doesn't need to do anything.

Inkscape, the free, open source vector drawing program, lets you make lovely drawings. #inkscape #opensource

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