J'avais déjà écrit cet article il y a quelques mois : « Les Outils Éthiques pour une AMAP (et les associations) » avec du @Framasoft, @cryptpad et @Ouvaton inside 😃
@Khrys privé
@Khrys bien reçu le pouet public. Je t'en envoi un privé, après celui-ci pour voir si tu l'auras.
@Khrys Bonjour Khrys, j'interviens aussi à l'#UbuntuParty, samedi juste avant toi. J'aimerai avoir un aperçu de ta conférence pour ne pas que l'on se répète trop. Mon diaporama : http://blog.liberetonordi.com/public/documents/LtO_numerique-reprendre-le-controle.pdf
@fssofdeath Hi I'm new here too. It seems there is no default thread. You have to search for a keyword or a user to follow 😉
@purism : easy way to localize the #keyboard of #Librem laptop : stickers (e.g. https://www.pcw.fr/claviers-configurateur/1945-clavier-azerty-francais-en-stickers-.html)
@purism : I understand you based #libremmail on K-9 and one needs to add OpenKeyChain, create a key, send it...
The PEP application was created (from K-9) to automate the key generation and exchanges. It is not perfect because one cannot easily sync the private key with other apps and devices (e.g. a PC running Thunderbird+Enigmail) and there's (or was ?) a bug where attachments from gmail are not displayed.
However wouldn't be better to help debug PEP to make encryption more user friendly ?
New here. I intend to test this service in order to be able to recommend it to people I advise.
For myself I may buy a #librem hardware when it becomes affordable and equiped with a french keyboard 😉
I'm glad @purism understood that services should be embedded in the OS. That's what non-tech people expect. That's what make Google Android succeed so fast.
Next step should be a Cloud with options to automate synchronisation and save of contacts / SMS / files...
Thank you !
animateur du blog https://blog.liberetonordi.com