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Maybe in actuality I should have just waited until the end of the year for Ubuntu and Resolve to match up to each other. It would serve @canonical very well to work with Blackmagic Design to bring Resolve to officially!

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I just upgraded to Kubuntu 24.04 and this is the hardest time I've had installing Resolve Studio since Ubuntu 18.04 days! It's been so easy until now!! Just double click the .run file, install a couple dependencies and go! Clearly something is a good bit different since 22.04 for Resolve. I kinda regret upgrading! I really wish Blackmagic would just support Ubuntu systems or go Flatpak! Everyone would be so happy about that!!

@zenbrowser Zen is getting me excited about having a Firefox base again! Firefox, even after the refresh, has been so ugly for years compared to the likes of Vivaldi... but Zen, beautiful!

Here we go again! In what world is Blaney actually the better driver right now. This Playoff format is ridiculous and needs to change!

@geerlingguy Absolutely! Some "AI" features have truly been useful, but most have just been pure a new coat of paint on an old car @thelinuxcast That sounds cool! I've always hated stock Cinnamon. I feel it's an awful representation of how good it actually can be! The stock icon theme especially looks so cheap and out of date. I wish Mint would change this! I think the result could only be positively received considering where they currently are!

Micah boosted

@paul How's this for a lithium ion brand name? (Not my photo)

@thelinuxcast I run 3 on Kubuntu 22.04 with stock Plasma 5.25 and I don't really have any issues minus it ignoring more selected wallpaper every 5 bootups or so. Now, I am running NVIDIA graphics and all monitors are the same with all in horizontal mode. What are your issues like?

@killyourfm Is that a new machine your testing for review or something? Or is it a primary machine of yours? What OS is it running too?😁

Fixing NASCAR's point system can be very simple. Award a certain number of points based off the position you finish in the race, winning the pole, and maybe a couple other things. Then whoever has the most at the end of the season wins. Simple!

My next server very well may end up being a server!

@BenjaminNelan @zenbrowser Yeah, my problem now is I've really come to LOVE Vivaldi😅

@BenjaminNelan @zenbrowser I have it installed as well! Loving the direction. UI and UX is why I left Firefox fot Vivaldi, but Zen may bring me back to a Firefox base!! Firefox has just been so behind in the overall looks and usability for years, in my opinion.

Micah boosted

Watch the amazing new Dynamo Dream episode by Ian Hubert! (all 3d done with Blender)

@thelinuxcast I gotcha. Unfortunately I am of no help here. I've never ran into that issue. I've installed Resolve Studio on CentOS, Fedora, Ubuntu, PopOS, and Kubuntu all from the .run file and only had any issues when being on a hybrid graphics laptop. Best of luck though! Wish I could help.

@thelinuxcast Weird! And all dependencies are met? Are you using the default .run file from BMD or something customized for OpenSUSE?

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