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mcneely boosted

#BlackMastodon When I started off in engineering, I told a senior colleague that I wanted to have a career a generalist instead of specializing in one area of expertise. His response was dismissive "Jack-Of-All-Trades. Master of none."

I've since come to find out that the actual full quote is:
"Jack of all trades is master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."

With respect to all the specialists, don't let anybody shame you for being a generalist.

mcneely boosted

Probably unpopular?

I find myself really missing QTs here on Mastodon. Lots of folks here have really insightful things to say and I would have highlighted them with my own thoughts or echoed the sentiment about why I think it's important were this the birdsite.

I knew I really used them in a call and response manner but I'm surprised how much I notice that I miss them. It's really easy to see how they organically evolved into a real thing.

mcneely boosted

The #RespectForMarriageAct is good and I’m glad it passed and will be relieved when it gets signed by POTUS, but let’s not forget that 169 Republicans voted against protecting gay and interracial marriage today. There is more work to be done, more battles to fight.

mcneely boosted

Just realised that I can use :has() to lock page scrolling under modals and menus without toggling classes with JS. Handy!

mcneely boosted

People who use the #accessibility stack on Linux, do you use anything other than Orca?

I'm trying to map out unused code paths in at-spi2-core, and so far I'm considering orca/dogtail, but I'm sure I'm missing something.

mcneely boosted

#Union #BlackMastodon #Strike #Solidarity

Union staffers at the NY Times will be on strike all day tomorrow (Thursday). Please don't cross digital picket line. No clicks!

"The historic work stoppage is set to go in effect at midnight on December 8 and last for an entire 24 hours. Instead of filing stories, employees will be seen picketing outside The Times’ offices at 1pm, with prominent journalists such as Nikole Hannah-Jones set to speak during a solidarity rally."

mcneely boosted

I’m seeing some posts decrying Apple’s decision to implement end to end encryption, and to move away from client-side scanning. Yes, CSAM is harmful, and massively problematic. That’s not in dispute. Neither is seeking to protect fundamental rights and to avoid mass surveillance, any indication of tolerance or acceptance of heinous activities. *Please*, turn your energies to seeking solutions which don’t entail mass surveillance, or infringements of fundamental rights.

mcneely boosted

When I participated in approving the Cryptographic Autonomy License, the only FOSS license that provides users guarantees of data portability, I thought that this conversation might start to shift. That we'd recognize that running distributed systems at the scale of what users have come to expect cannot be performed by individuals, and that we needed to shift the conversation towards how we can protect users' digital autonomy and inherent rights without them needing to become systems administrators.

Yet there has been no forward progress. I just can't associate myself with "software freedom" while it cares more about software, a tool, than the rights of people, the only reason the tool exists.

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mcneely boosted

Humans have lived and thrived in communities since time immemorial. We specialize because it allows us to scale; no one person can master everything that allows us to have a happy, healthy life.

You may be able to self host a few pieces of software meaningful to you, but hosting your entire digital life by yourself? Well, we already recognize that we can't write all the code, or build all the hardware ourselves---that's why open source is important. So then why the fixation on trying to run everything ourselves?

When software was far simpler in decades past, that might have been a feasible goal! But it hasn't been for years.

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mcneely boosted

US politics, Supreme Court, reproductive rights 

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mcneely boosted

US politics, Supreme Court, reproductive rights 

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mcneely boosted
mcneely boosted

I’ve become increasingly convinced that “rel=me” is a better way to verify journalists than publication-specific instances. The time, costs, security issues, employer/employee relationship intricacies, and more make publication-run instances for staffers problematic on various levels. That could change, and I’m sure someone will find a way to do it well. But I currently don’t think that publication-run instances make sense for most newsrooms.

The moratorium for spoilers is past right? It's been months so I should be in the clear to talk about it. Anyways I just finished Episode 6 with the heist. Hot damn that was good.

mcneely boosted
mcneely boosted

Just a shocking number of people don’t even know the bivalent boosters •exist•.

Folks, there is a newly forumated booster as of October.

If you got your last before October, you should get a new booster.

It’s available for kids 5 and up.

It’s free.

It will protect you ••much•• better against the newest variants, which are hospitalizing people en masse.

Tell your less-online-than-you family, friends, neighbors. Publicity has been terrible.

mcneely boosted

I understand naming is one of the most complicated things in IT, but please: if you're creating a new open source a project, check if there's some other, long established free and open source project with the same name first, before writing the announcement.

mcneely boosted


Major media organizations need to come right out and say that Trump and those who support him represent a threat to democratic, constitutional government, and that as media organization dependent upon the first Amendment, they will not treat Trump in a "neutral" way. They need to declare that from now on, Trump and those who fail to oppose them will be considered enemics of the USA, and the reorting will reflect that.

mcneely boosted

This by @emptywheel is really helpful. Wheeler shows how "liberal" journalists can end up abetting propaganda that seeks to ratchet up tribalism in the right-wing base. The journalist she focuses on claims to criticize that tribalism, but Wheeler shows how said journalist's methods are themselves harmful because (a) they help magnify the exact rhetoric of incitement; and (b) they *ignore strategies that might help defuse incipient violence*.

#journalism #extremism

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