@jynersolives that last option LOL
I almost made the last option "Old like dirt"
@mcneely well that would be me, 65 yr old OG punk here!
@mcneely @jynersolives
Happily old like dirt here!
@mcneely @jynersolives old like dirt isn’t that old. If I remember my biology right it normally takes 7 years to decay to dirt.
But I didn’t know what to answer, I’m 60 since two weeks ago, so am I 60+ or in the 40-60 category? 😁
I know I’m a Boomer though! So I’m told. 😉
@mcneely @jynersolives 🤣 I’m 61 and worked in IT from the before times. #Mastodon feels more like those days.
@twokatmew @mcneely @jynersolives I'm 56 and got started on HP Timesharing BASIC at 300 baud, Apple ][, cassette file storage, 5.25" floppies, BSD via 1200 baud dialup, uucp, C-News (USENET), archie and veronica, ftp by mail, so though I'm 6 years your junior, I too feel old as dirt. High five!
@opalmirror @mcneely @jynersolives Ah, such fond memories of the pioneer days! 🤣❤️
@twokatmew @mcneely @jynersolives I recently found all the tapes of the HP-2000F BASIC system available on the Internet and have been trying to resurrect a favorite star trading game from there (rewriting in C++). It... needs work, I don't know that flavor of BASIC as well as I once did.
@mcneely @jynersolives
"Old like dirt" would have to be an extra option, Shirley ... I'm 75, pushing 76, and would fit right in there.