The lawlessness and de-humanizing TYRANNY of the establishment Left is teaching patriots what’s at stake when the civil war begins –
@mastodon The so called "right wing" and CENTRE and Conservatives have failed the people of Western nations..
What has the right wing done in AU+NZ+UK+CA+USA in the last 10-50 years:
Defund UN/WHO/G20 ? Nope
Feminism Defunded ? Nope
IMF/Central banking/Climate scam/carbon taxation defund? Nope
Left wing activist news outlets
- ABC AU defunded ? Nope
- BBC UK Defunded ? Nope
* Marxist infection at Western uni education removed/defunded? Nope
* Marxist education and LGBT brainwashing removed from schools? Nope
Laws fixed
* Duluth Model removed ? Nope
* Pussy Pass Removed ? Nope
* No fault divorce removed ? Nope
* Women held to the same exact standard as western men ? Nope
* Women held accountable for
- False rape ?
- False DV ?
- False Assault ?
- False pedo claims?
* Women held to the same standard when FEMALES fuck kids ? - Nope
* Tax payer Abortion correctly called MASS MURDER which is GENCODE
Killing unborn babies on MASS stopped - Nope
Borders Closed - Nope
ISLAM sent back to Middle East - Nope
Jews sent back to Middle East - Nope
Black South Africans sent back to South Africa - Nope
Goverment held accountable ? Nope
News held accountable ? Nope
Banks held accountable ? Nope
Real estates held accountable ? Nope
So NOTHING changed
We are still heading towards the Zionist Agenda 2025-2030 global dictatorship goal