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I do wonder how they’ll determine whether something was a state-backed attack… seems like tons of gray area

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My favorite bug among the vulnerabilities I presented today! 😆

The original intent was to compare the password. However, the developer copy-and-pasted the code but forgot to replace the variable name. That leads to the Authentication Bypass on IIS.


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La filtración de un documento interno de Amazon revela que la empresa busca contratar a personas vulnerables de entornos marginales para ejercer un mayor grado de explotación sobre ellas.


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With #PeerTube, admins can enable video import using youtube-dl (Youtube, Dailymotion…) or webtorrent (torrent file or magnet URI)
👉 #FreeTheServers

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SepiaSearch facilite votre recherche sur #PeerTube 🔍 : cherchez des vidéos, chaînes et listes de lecture en utilisant plus de 1000 sites web PeerTube listés par SepiaSearch 👉 #LibéronsLePublic

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The question isn't whether people "care" about #privacy or not. Everyone does. The question is if they understand that less privacy is a #social issue, not just a #personal one. The question is if they understand what it actually means to be on commercial social media; who they're feeding & how. The question is if they have any other option.

It's the #capitalists we're fighting - not the "workers". So be kind, & keep #fighting, #thinking, #making, #feeling, #saying, #doing.


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The Procurement Chamber in the German state of Baden-Württemberg decided that the transfer of personal data outside of the EU is not #GDPR compatible.

“It’s a landmark decision that has a huge influence in Germany & the rest of Europe” #GDPR #SchremsII

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#OpenStreetMap is going to turn 18 years old very soon!

To see what parties are available in your region, check this page. Nothing there? Why not organise something yourself. 😄

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Habéis sacado en directo a un nazi con una camiseta nazi haciendo un discurso nazi. Idos a tomar por culo un rato.


Espejo Público se desvincula de las declaraciones realizadas en directo por un testigo del tiroteo en Marbella. Lamentamos y condenamos cualquier expresión de racismo o discriminación


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This was predictable. Facebook/Meta is now encrypting the QP data so that Firefox and other privacy conscious browsers that strip the tracking data can't. Only way to avoid it is to not use Facebook at all. #DeleteFacebook #SurveillanceCapitalism…
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My day job involves building websites for the ultra rich and it's weird to think about the vast wealth disparity.

Makes me so proud of Pixelfed, and how I am building an accessible and ethical IG alternative for everyone.

It's real. It's community. It's love.

No amount of money could buy this. ❤️ #pixelfed

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#Signal​ek, ahots mezuak gailuan bertan testu bihurtzeko aukera gehituko du. Nola? #CommonVoice​ko datuetan oinarrituz #Coqui​k sortutako #STT ereduak erabiliz:

Signalek euskara kontuan izango duen ez dakit, baina Coquik euskararako STT eredu librea (eta bakarra?) prest utzi zuen erabili nahi duen edonorentzat:
#HizkuntzaTeknologiak #SoftwareLibrea #HizketarenEzagutza #Mozilla

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Learning Basque "by oneself" is definitely a journey of:
- Here is a grammar rule with given declension
- But in this region use this one instead
- And depending on hego/iparr/alde, use those synonym words
- and so on

🧵A thread of random thought about it 👇
#euskara #basque


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