As #Signal has had severe problems recently due to its centralised nature, here are some decentralised libre alternatives with Fediverse accounts:
➡️ @snikket_im - Initiative to give XMPP a consistent look and feel on instances and apps, to make it more attractive to new users
➡️ @xmpp - XMPP standards foundation
➡️ @delta - Decentralised messaging through email
➡️ @matrix - Best known for the Element client
➡️ @briar - Peer-to-peer encrypted messaging
➡️ @Jami - Peer-to-peer Skype alternative
Hey there, this is a bit meta but think I need to clarify what my accounts are for:
@feditips (this one) posts hints about using the Fediverse, including Mastodon, PixelFed etc.
@FediFollows recommends accounts to follow on the Fediverse, covering all kinds of topics.
The only reason a lot of FediFollows recommendations are computing-related is because that's the biggest topic on the Fediverse right now. If the Fediverse become more diverse, I will be able to give more diverse recommendations. I try to promote non-techy accounts when I find them, to help the diversity grow.
FediFollows tends to recommend accounts that focus on one topic, rather than general personal accounts. The best place to find general personal accounts is Trunk (
@FediVideos boosts interesting videos posted on the Fediverse. At the moment that means PeerTube, but if another Fediverse video platform appears then I'd boost that too.
The Framework laptop is the first laptop to ever score a 10/10 from Ifixit for repairability. But it's no thick-as-a-brick throwback the size of a 2005 Thinkpad - it's approximately the same dimensions as a MacBook.
Todos los medios de comunicación, algunos de ellos progresistas, han difundido durante toda la semana el bulo lanzado por Vox de que hoy se celebraba en Arrasate un homenaje a un miembro de ETA.
Mientras tanto, en Madrid:
Primera foto: manifestación en Madrid en repulsa por el asesinato homófobo de Samuel Luiz.
Segunda foto: manifestación neonazi en Madrid al grito de: "¡Fuera maricas de nuestros barrios!".
Inversions. Nova vinyeta via
#AmpliacionsAeroportsNo #rodalies #vinyetas
Avui m'he assabentat que la Generalitat ha decidit que les persones que cursin FP en Administració i Gestió tindran un Mac per treballar a classe. ¿Algú em pot dir perquè collons volen un Mac per fer anar l'Excel? Estic indignat i crec que hauríem d'organitzar-nos i demanar explicacions al Departament d'Educació. Perquè compren Macs, perquè es gasten diners en llicències per Windows. Perquè es gasten diners en llicències de software privatiu i perquè collons no fan servir GNU/Linux als aules.
The new #XMPP newsletter for August 2021 is out:
(haven't seen the toot from @xmpp yet...)
Though Surveillance Capitalism is a global phenomenon and a universal term, it is interpreted differently by people from different regions.
Americans see this mostly as a monopoly/anti-trust problem.
Europeans are calling it digital feudalism.
The once-colonized global south sees it as digital colonialism.
All of these interpretations are not only simultaneously true but also demonstrate that this issue is multi-faceted.
#SurveillanceCapitalism #DigitalColonialism #DigitalFeudalism
“… you give us more information about you, about your friends … We don’t need you to type at all. We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less now what you’re thinking about.”
– Eric Schmidt, Google CEO in 2010