RT @ViktorMedina@twitter.com
VOX presenta a les Corts Valencianes una proposició amb tramitació especial d'urgència on demana la protecció de "cruces de los caídos", "placas franquistas", "símbolos de la Falange" i monolits a "soldados alemanes" de legions hitlerianes, entre altres.
"Fachas" no, són NAZIS.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ViktorMedina/status/1584527841831505921
RT @maciejmensfeld@twitter.com
🦠💥 #rubyfriends watch out! rest_client (not rest-client) went rogue just now! With over 2.6mln downloads(!), it now collects host info upon requirement: https://my.diffend.io/gems/rest_client/1.8.9
Detected by @Mend_io@twitter.com
#ruby #rubygems #supplychain #opensource #cybersecurity
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maciejmensfeld/status/1582373075404062720
Dual booting #Android and #Mobian Linux on Xiaomi Poco F1.
Use GNU parted from Renegade project to partition the storage. Install Android and Mobian to different partitions. Flash boot.img from each system in TWRP to dual boot.
I would like to replace Android with Ubuntu touch because most things (including camera) work on it, also Waydroid is available on UT. It could be used as a daily driver. However, Mobian and postmarketOS is much like "the real mobile Linux" in compred to locked-down UT.
PeerTube.eus jaio da, euskarazko bideoak partekatzeko webgune ireki eta federatua https://www.argia.eus/plaza/iametza/peertubeeus-jaio-da-euskarazko-bideoak-partekatzeko-webgune-ireki-eta-federatua
Q: How many hardware engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. We'll fix it in software.
Q: How many system programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. The application can work around it.
Q: How many software engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. We'll document it in the manual.
Q: How many tech writers does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. The user can figure it out.
Q: How many users does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: None. The user has insufficient privileges to perform this operation.
We are still a massive €254 short for the server bills for mstdn.social, misskey.ai, mastodon.coffee, pixey.org and some more free open source services
Hopefully next month I can pay most of it with a new job but that doesn't help now..
If you can, please think about supporting me in paying the bills for the various #Fediverse services I host for free❤️
If not me perhaps your own server admin
#PeerTube v4.3 is out! 😍😍😍
▪ automatic import of videos from a remote channel
▪ UI improvements
▪ better integration of videos and live streams
▪ more instances customizations
Discover improvements and new features of this latest version on : https://joinpeertube.org/news#release-4.3
RT @ReaderMeter@twitter.com
To put this in plain English, the announcement of #QueenElizabeth's death more than doubled the TOTAL traffic per second Wikipedia receives as a whole (180M pages in over 300 languages, that is).
Holy moly 😲
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ReaderMeter/status/1567972979556089856
📝 We are gathering articles and actions against #chatcontrol in this document: https://cryptpad.fr/code/#/2/code/view/+8pkd4-2AxP4QusFjKtVLQVgMXsfqsKYo0TJ3kjuDrQ/present/
If you have any suggestions send them our way!
I am devastated by the passing of Peter Eckersley... =((
Rest in Power, buddy. Your contributions and your solid spirit, humour and kindness will forever be remembered. Such a fine chap...
What a loss....
RT @xavidegr@twitter.com
No podia més, hòstia. Prou dels qui se salten tots els límits del nostre país i en fan un espectacle, dia sí i dia també, durant tot l'estiu.
El fiscal Miguel Ángel Aguilar falseja el contingut dels tuits d’un independentista i l’acusa de delictes d’odi https://directa.cat/el-fiscal-miguel-angel-aguilar-falseja-el-contingut-dels-tuits-dun-independentista-i-lacusa-de-delictes-dodi/ #FiscaliadeDelictesd'OdiiDiscriminació #AsambleaEscuelaBilingüeenCataluña #MovimientocontralaIntolerancia #MiguelÁngelAguilar #Mossosd'Esquadra #CanetdeMar #Repressió
I finished a 5 part series on how to run an e-mail server in 2022 with all the DKIM/SPF/DMARC stuff working. It's not a simple HOWTO series, but it does explain all the moving parts. So if you're interested to learn a bit about modern e-mail - you're welcome! Starts here: https://jan.wildeboer.net/2022/08/Email-0-The-Journey-2022/
#OBS Studio v28.0 is out!
Check out what's new on #Github: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/releases/tag/28.0.0
@desertorea gràcies a tu també! 😉
@marc0s m'alegro que els estudiants no hagin de pagar per la ignorància d'alguns dels seus progenitors. En efecte, és una bona notícia. Felicitats per la feina que han fet.
Sembla que començarem el curs sense haver d'aplicar el 25% de castellà tot i tenir unes mesures cautelars del TSJC que així ho demanen. És una bona notícia. Caldrà però, no despistar-se i estar preparades davant el que pugui venir; que vindrà. Ara per ara, gaudim d'aquesta victòria! ✊ #elturóencatalà