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(1/2) Instagram requires me to add a phone number to my account in order to continue using it.
But I don't want to link any phone numbers to my account because it poses my account to an extra security risk. Furthermore, I want to leave a chance for myself to act as a new user in the future if necessary using my phone number because the number hasn't been used before, and no records in their computer systems showing I've used its services before.
But I think really this thing should come first
(标签#狂妄自大的我) 俗话说,“人比人,气死人。”如果谁和我比,估计对方会很生气——根本比不上我!另开新窗)“McDonald’s Q2 2021 Earnings Release”(“麦当劳2021年第二季度利润发布”)网页。