Traditional Latin Mass Readings
February 3, 2021 - Ferial Day, Septuagesima Sunday (V)
Epistle - I Corinthians 9:24-27;10:1-5
Gospel - Matthew 20:1-16
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
February 2, 2021 - The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Candlemas (W)
Epistle - Malachi 3:1-4
Gospel - Luke 2:22-32
In the last year Google has banned: the Element app, the LBRY app, and several Fediverse apps. If you get all of your apps from a single corporation, be it Google or Apple, you should make an effort to change that.
If you have an Android phone F-Droid is an alternative app repository, and it’s very easy to install! All of the previously mentioned apps have been available from F-Droid throughout being dropped from the Play Store.
If you have an iPhone, please consider other options for your next device. Apple does not respect you enough as a user to consider you possibly more capable of deciding what you should install on your phone than they are. That is absurd; please stop rewarding this behavior with your money.
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
February 1, 2021 - Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr (R)
Epistle - Romans 8:35-39
Gospel - John 12:24-26
The right to repair is crucial for a free future, this is illustrated in our latest animated video "Fight to Repair." Join our campaign and inform others on the state of #RightToRepair in your country. #FightToRepair
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 31, 2021 - Septuagesima Sunday
Epistle - I Corinthians 9:24-27;10:1-5
Gospel - Matthew 20:1-16
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 30, 2021 - Saint Martha, Virgin, Martyr (R)
Epistle - Ecclesiasticus 51:1-8,12
Gospel - Matthew 25:1-13
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 29, 2021 - Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church
Epistle - II Timothy 4:1-8
Gospel - Matthew 5:13-19
Unboxing the Purism Librem 5 Evergreen
Google just deleted over 100,000 one star reviews from the Robinhood app. #MarkDice #Google
bot list:
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 28, 2021 - Saint Peter Nolasco, Confessor (W)
Epistle - I Corinthians 4:9-14
Gospel - Luke 12:32-34
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 27, 2021 - Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor, Doctor of the Church (W)
Epistle - II Timothy 4:1-8
Gospel - Matthew 5:13-19
They Found a Way to Limit Big Tech’s Power: Using the Design of Bitcoin
Companies inspired by the cryptocurrency are creating social networks, storing online content and hosting websites without any central authority. #privacy #security #libremone
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 26, 2021 - Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr (R)
Epistle - I John 3:10-16
Gospel - Matthew 10:26-32
Police departments are deploying robots to get social media engagement and improve their image, but don't take the bait. Knightscope robots are rolling surveillance tech.
Traditional Latin Mass Readings
January 25, 2021 - The Conversion of Saint Paul (W)
Epistle - Acts 9:1-22
Gospel - Matthew 19:27-29
When I joined in 2017 it was a tiny platform trying to decentralize the world of internet videos. In 2020 it saw a meteoric rise in popularity when YT doubled down on purging users.
Now my LBRY audience is almost larger than my YT audience.
It sounds unconstitutional because it is. The government should not be able to buy geolocation data gathered by the apps on your phone without a warrant.
Catholic father of 10. Programmer by trade. I like reading, writing, running, geocaching, chess, spending time with my family.