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You know that thing where people make fun of a terrible opinion by writing it in a mixture of upper and lower case? It's probably not a good idea.

Screenreader software used by blind or partially-sighted people interprets capital letters as the beginning of a word.

This means that a phrase written as "FiNe PEopLe oN BoTh siDeS" will sound like gibberish.

If accessibility matters to you, try to avoid doing this.

#FediTips #Accessibility #A11y

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The Software Wars Map, published by Steven Hilton in 2006

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"Already, 5,000 Londoners are on to it: borrowing anything from sound systems to sewing machines from a catalogue of around 50 items. They are the pioneers of the Library of Things (LoT) model, which helps people to save money and reduce waste by affordably renting out household items. They’ve collectively saved around 50 tonnes of waste from landfill since it all began."

#LibraryOfThings #LOT #London #PositiveNews

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Stolen from bird site screenshot w/o description:

"The #COVID lockdown has demonstrated 3 things:

* Our economy collapses as soon as it stops selling useless stuff to over-indebted people

* It is perfectly possible to reduce pollution

* The lowest paid people in the country are essential to its functioning"

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#StreetComplete's new alpha now has support for a #layers, i.e. map #overlay's that enable only specific quests in a very convenient way!

Read more also about the history of that feature in #westnordost's blog:

Feel free to test it out and report bugs!


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Do you authenticate to various websites with your Github, Google or Facebook account? Be careful, if you get blocked by these companies, there's virtually no recourse and you might have a serious problem!

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Imagine if YouTube was shut down.

It would be a literal tragedy for the human race. Billions of hours worth of creativity would disappear in an instant.

"That would never happen!" some believe.

But it already has.

Remember Google+? All of it's gone forever.

Or remember all that media stored on MySpace? It's vanished.

We must stop depending on Big Tech to archive our data. Their mandate is to profit off our data, not preserve it.

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10 years ago Tor Books dropped DRM on all their ebooks.

Tor's still publishing books without DRM and doing just fine.

#tw #linkblog

Tim Hortons app found to have significant privacy violations.

"The app also used location data to infer where users lived, where they worked, and whether they were travelling. It generated an “event” every time users entered or left a Tim Hortons competitor, a major sports venue, or their home or workplace."

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Is #duckduckgo your default search engine?

Then, if you use #OpenStreetMap a lot, you might find it interesting thing to know that there are #bangs focused on OSM that you can simply type in your browser's search bar

!osm <something> - search for "something" in OSM.
!osmw <something> - search the OSM wiki (very good results!)
!taginfo <something> check for taginfo data about tagas or key/key-value pair
!otw <something> data mining query with #Overpass

and more!

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Told you


This is a geofence warrant. In this example, the FBI asked Google for the identifying information of all Android users who might have attended one particular Black Lives Matter protest in Seattle. Google coughed it up.


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Evidence that you are a fictional character: / 1. Regular and implausible outlandish coincidences / 2. Obvious plot holes in the worldbuilding / 3. Unusual gaps in your memory, as if periods of low narrative interest were "timeskipped" / 4. Branded or trademarked items in the environment seem lazy, hastily constructed or self-parodic, such as a social network whose posts are called "toots"

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be the apocalypse you want to see in the world.

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