🚨 BOOST CHALLENGE! 🚨Ok #Fediverse and #Mastodon. If I tell my Canadian Member of Parliament, Gord Johns, that he will get 2000 followers within one week of creating a Mastodon account, will you make that happen?
I want him to be able to say when he stands in the House and presents the #e4769 petition for an official Fediverse server that he himself is the first Canadian MP to be on the Fediverse!
Boost for yes! I am going to show him this post! I'm counting on you, literally! 🔥 🙏 2️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 0️⃣ 🙏
The Verge article on the best printer in 2024 is just completely brilliant in so many ways.
And also kinda sad.
I did not realise that the Amazon Go/Fresh "just walk out" technology was in fact significantly powered by a thousand people in India manually labelling things. And now it turns out that they can't actually close the automation gap, they're ditching it as it's too expensive? https://gizmodo.com/amazon-reportedly-ditches-just-walk-out-grocery-stores-1851381116
Goodbye Craig Maloney @craigmaloney
Blog post: https://www.davidrevoy.com/article1021/goodbye-craig-maloney
I need a bunch of historical weather data. After some dead ends, I've found Open-Meteo:
- years of data
- hourly observations
- all the metrics, even weird ones
- downloadable as CSV
- API available
- free for non-commercial use
I'm in total shock. This is the greatest service of all time, and it's been right here all along --> @openmeteo
Was just reminded of Pinking Shears, and having used them for edging of photos years and years ago.
Canada, let's get real: restricting access to devices like the Flipper Zero will hamper development of strong, secure technologies, and won't solve the problem of car hacking. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/restricting-flipper-zero-accountability-approach-security-canadian-government
How many people do you know that have lost their messaging history on Whatsapp or Signal, photos etc during mobile phone transitions or breakage or through other shenenigans?
With #deltachat you can:
- export "everything" to a file and import it on any of the many different devices
- or just setup a second device through a QR code scan -- which was happily discovered here after an accidental factory reset https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-2066-0695-ca24-081964494389
xz-utils was backdoored by its upstream. Tracked as CVE-2024-3094 and thoroughly documented by vuln discoverer Andres Freund on oss-security@: https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2024/03/29/4
Not only should you NOT provide amazon with your palm print, you should be doing everything you can to keep your finger- and palmprints out of high resolution images, as a whole. (Also your keys, but please tell me you know that already.)
"I don't like these old sewing machines, they can only do straight stitches. How are you gonna do button holes?!"
Well, 1950's tech had a solution for that.
Lyft's new policies should be illegal.
You cannot manage your account, including cancel your membership, or delete your account without the app. The website will log you in, but then tell you that you must use the app.
I decided to cancel my membership and delete my account, because the app also will not work without Google Play Services either. The app will open, show you a notice that you need it, then close.
But putting that aside, you should at least have access to your account without your phone by visiting their website. I had to use someone else's phone just to log in, cancel, and then delete my account.
#Lyft #LyftPink
#Whatsapp is updating it's Terms and conditions again. The problem with #centralized services where everyone from your work or school is on.. There is basically nothing one can do, beside quitting or accepting whatever they come up with.
That's one of the biggest problems with #centralized services, and one of the reasons why I prefer #xmpp and the #fediverse
@grimalkina I was having a conversation some years back with someone with a neuroscience PhD and a psych background. I acknowledged that I was feeling real insecurity about having recently joined “a really high performing team”.
She says to me “You know who else is high performing? Dogs in dog shows.”
I will never stop thinking about that.