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Quite impressive how different the prices of mobile data in different countries is still. Particularly Canada is incredibly expensive still.

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France is mandating clean air in the classrooms, requiring CO2 levels of 800 ppm. I hope this is rolled out in other countries. Apart from lowering #covid risks in the classroom, it will also address other respiratory issues. #CleanAir #COVID #SafeSchools

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Happy new year! Another year means another year-long keogram! Every 15 seconds throughout 2022, my trusty all-sky camera took a picture of the sky above the Netherlands. Combining these 2.1 million images into a year-long keogram reveals this picture, which shows the length of the night change throughout the year (the hourglass shape), when the Moon was visible at night (diagonal bands), and the Sun higher in the sky during summer, as well as lots and lots of clouds passing overhead.

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“In #Finland, the number of homeless people has fallen sharply. Those affected receive a small apartment and counselling with no preconditions. 4 out of 5 people affected make their way back into a stable life. And all this is CHEAPER than accepting homelessness.”

Make sure everyone understands this — It’s costing us far too much to NOT provide housing and supports to those who are homeless.

#homelessness #cities #housing #HousingFirst

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I've been struggling with this myself, so I thought I'd repeat it for other people that might be dealing with the same thing:

Not every hobby needs to be a project. Not everything needs to be a whole *thing* with a goal and an endpoint. It's okay to not finish something. It's okay to pick up something for a bit, explore it, start making something, and then drop it without making any "progress".

Productivity is capitalist bullshit that doesn't need to infect your free time too. Have some fun

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I highly recommend supporting the Standard Ebooks project. 📚

«Standard Ebooks is a volunteer-driven project that produces new editions of public domain ebooks that are lovingly formatted, open source, free of copyright restrictions, and free of cost.»


#standardebook #ebook #publicdomain #book #reading

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There is no public domain day in Canada this year and thanks to copyright term extension passed by the government in a budget implementation bill in 2022 there will not be one for 20 years.

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The Canadian copyright term extension represents one of the very worst policy developments of 2022 as the government buried the reform in a budget bill, ignored its own copyright review recommendations, limited access to Canadian culture and history, and added costs to education.

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Henrietta Lacks was a poor, Black, young mother diagnosed w cervical cancer in 1951. When her cells were collected w/o consent, scientists saw they multiplied remarkably fast.

“HeLa” cells changed #science. They’re used globally to study viruses, drugs, hormones, genes, diseases & develop vaccines. Lacks passed away at 31 w no recognition.

Rebecca Skloot’s beautiful book about her life & legacy is changing that. Now her statue will replace Robert E. Lee in NC. #history

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"I only go on Twitter to find people's Mastodon account info" is the new "I only use IE to download Chrome".

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Kids this is a reminder to collect physical copies of your favorite media. Corporations will axe your favorite show/movie/book in front of its family and make it a felony to retrieve it. Have a library.

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TIL: There is a cursed color in the Kodak ProPhoto RGB color space which, when converted to sRGB using pre-August-2020-Security-Update Android's image conversion routines, causes an integer overflow and a crash due to a rounding error. Some dude accidentally created an image ( which contains the cursed color on a single pixel. In 2020 if you set this image as your desktop on a Google or Samsung device, the device would brick & lose all onboard data

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Elon suspended the account tracking his private jet & the personal account of the college student running it -- who's now on Mastodon.

Follow: @elonjet

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Raspbian should not exist, BTW. They had a little bit of cover forking Debian for performance reasons but that is long since past.

The Raspbian fork's purpose now is lock rpi users into a ghetto that prevents them from using non-rpi hardware.


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As I approach the end of the year, I wanted to look back and see how many projects I have contributed to (not counting the ones that I maintain). This usually happens because I notice an issue with a project. Generally I file an issue, it's rewarding to in and fix the issue myself, plus the issue gets fixed faster since the maintainer can review and click the "merge button"! This is especially so for documentation, it is very easy to just fix the documentation and file an MR.

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This is genius!

#Berlin is allowing cyclists to claim on-street parking spaces for their bikes—for free.

At the same time, they're boosting the price of on-street parking for drivers.

That sends a very, very clear message.

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