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First longer ride with #jazda. Impressions:
- I need to show battery level. I don't know if it was fully charged
- it survived the entire ride
- it shut off after I got back, after almost 5 hours with GPS on
- when the wind is blowing, I'm going way slower than I thought :S

#bike #cycling #floss #cyclocomputer

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Total lunar eclipse this Sunday! Here's some info and a map so you can see if it's visible in your area:

#eclipse #astronomy

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#2617 Maps 

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Still wondering what my secret project is?


An #opensource bike computer.

After weeks of working behind the scenes, today the first functional prototype was tested on the road. Hello world!

Check out if you want a prototype too.

#foss #floss #fahrrad #cycling #cyclocomputer

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Wondering how people in the fediverse do temperature monitoring? I'd like to have some relatively inexpensive, expandable system of temperature probes that I could put around the home and outside. Ideally FOSS (at least at centralization point) so I can manipulate some of the storage and charting.

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For many #OpenStreetMap users on mobile (#OsmAnd, #OrganicMaps, #MagicEarth, apps that supports geo links), the built-in search feature is less than desirable. It works, *kinda*, but many wish it could be better.

If you're one of them users, you might want to check out #Acastus Photon, an #Android app that uses a #Photon server, an alternative geocoder for #OSM data.

Think of it as a companion app for leveling up the UX of your favorite #OSM front-end.

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Did you see the news that all of the #JWST instruments are aligned now?

Check out this comparison of one of the newly released calibration images from the MIRI instrument compared to images taken of the same region of space by the WISE and Spitzer space telescopes! Look at that resolution! So many newly resolved stars and structures! 🤩

I can't wait for all the new discoveries we'll make with JWST! #Science data starts in only a couple months!

(Image from @/AndrasGasper on birdapp)

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:mastodon: Mastodon tip: you can customize a column to list multiple hashtags (and block-list some of them too). It's a good way to discover all the posts gravitating around the topics you like (eg. for art, #mastoart is a popular one). That's really a feature I love here and wanted to share it to newcomers.

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We updated this story on stalkerware with a new photo of physical trackers like AirTags and Tile devices, and new info from @evacide @adamrdodge on searching and scanning for them.

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Ursula K. Le Guin on "technology" 

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✨️ I made a thing! 🎉️

Check out my brandnew webcomic, "Contra Chrome":


Subtitle: How #Google‘s browser became a threat to #privacy and #democracy.

Featuring Shoshana Zuboff, vegan Piranhas, and everything you ever wanted to know about #Chrome but were afraid to ask!

Read and download for free – hope you like it! 😊

And if you do, please spread the word! :boost_ok:

#comic #comics

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Google has released a patch which guards against a high severity vulnerability. The company is aware that an exploit exists in the wild.

Users of chrome-based browsers are advised to update as soon as possible and restart their browsers.

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Sounds like things are still on track for the #Mycroft Mark2. The date hasn't slipped (so far), and Mimic3 sounds really interesting. This update includes a demo of Mycroft integrating with #HomeAssistant in a completely offline but still voice driven system. Honestly, this is the goal for me. A voice driven environment where not one component of it requires an actual Internet connection, just local network. No one needs to know my front door is unlocked but me.

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An extra example of the pattern of "ban women as soon as they look like they might seize the spotlight from men": baseball pitcher Jackie Mitchell, who at age seventeen struck out Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig in succession. She was quickly rewarded for this feat by being banned from baseball on the grounds that the game was "too strenuous" for women.

- 🎒

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A comprehensive break-down of the #GoogleMaps empire, and the competitors vying for their own fiefdoms

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