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Consumers in Canada have until Sept 2021 to be paid as part of the class action lawsuit against Microsoft. No receipts needed for software purchased since 1998 (Windows, Office, Word, Excel, or MS-DOS) for claims up to $250.

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Stop Paid Content on CBC

... CBC management has launched a new marketing division called CBC Tandem. Its purpose is to sell corporations the opportunity to disguise their advertising as our journalism. CBC is using its resources to help advertisers trick Canadians.

They call what they produce “paid content”. And it’s insidious. It looks and sounds like the news stories and podcasts we produce. It’s found on the same websites and apps. But it’s not news, or even information. It is advertising that pretends to be news. And we believe strongly it must stop.

CBC Tandem promises corporate clients they can “leverage” the CBC’s reputation by aligning their message with the “trust Canadians have in our brand”.

That reputation was built by people like us - generations of journalists who earned your trust by informing you faithfully and truthfully every day. “Paid content” does not leverage that reputation, it makes a mockery of it. ...

The term Fake News dates to 1989 when prepared propaganda Video and Audio "News Releases" (VNR/ANR), packaged to look like native news, began appearing on local TV and Radio stations. The CBC are going down this path.

It's not "leveraging trust", it's #betrayal.

#CBC #FakeNews #PaidContent #NativeAdvertising #VNR #AVR #Propaganda #advertising #canada

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#2392 Cyber Cafe 

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covid-19, misinformation 

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When @HP unilaterlly withdrew its "free ink for life" plan for its rental ink customers, they demonstrated the danger of devices that can be updated by the manufacturer in ways that owners can't override.

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"Pleins d’objets « connectés » sont en panne partout dans le monde puisque le service de cloud AWS est en panne dans un ensemble de datacenter "us-east-1", qui est proposée par défaut il me semble lors de la création d'un projet AWS aux États-Unis."

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I’m told that many Germans are stockpiling cheese and sausages in anticipation of a COVID lockdown — planning, in other words, for a Wurst-Käse scenario

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Is your open source project still using Slack for its community? Consider:

Mozilla has migrated their chat to Matrix:

Mattermost now offers hosted service with special pricing for OSS projects:

There are probably even more I'm not aware of.

There are good Free options now. Time to get out of the proprietary SaaS lock-in.

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#2384 Set in the Present 

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Today is the 50th anniversary of the Oregon exploding whale.

The Oregon Historical Society has realized the importance of this historical event and released a HD REMASTERED version of the video, taken from the original 16mm film!!!!

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Oh, HP, never change.

First you tricked people with a fake "security update," that blocked cheap ink, then you invented rented ink, and now
you've redefined "free ink for life" to mean "$0.99/month, forever, or else."

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Apple's anti-repair tactics on the new iPhone 12:

Genuine parts swapped between brand new iPhone 12s won't work properly until swapped back.

Most likely explanation: Apple intentionally ensuring no one can self-repair or use a third party service. Not a new MO for them by any means.

Despicable behavior. Remember this source of e-waste when Apple pretends to care about the environment.

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Massachusetts voters pass right-to-repair expansion opening up car data

Some good news from the US elections today :)

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And here's the sting in the tail: if you opt for "Amazon exclusive," you are locked in for SEVEN YEARS. Amazon silently made the switch to "no hassle returns" and clawed back half its creators' money, with no chance to opt out.

Amazon gets to change its deal with creators when it wants to, but the creators don't get to change their deal with Amazon. For seven years after they spend thousands to produce their own audiobooks, they are locked to Amazon, regardless of Amazon's policy changes.


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To #Google users: you can lose all your Google accounts if Google decides so. There won't be any trial, and no option for appeal.

That's privately-held fascism in some way.


A phone with slide-out keyboard, shipping with LineageOS and Ubuntu Touch that met its crowd funding goal in 2 hours. Early backers to get it in December 2020, most in March 2021. Will he interesting to see how the mobile device landscape evolves in 2021.

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