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We are not aware of other FOSS development teams that have as extensive knowledge, both theoretical and practical, about #email and #openpgp and regularly release across all platforms for users world wide ... except for #protonmail with whose technical and security experts we discuss regularly. They are the other major game in town doing pervasive email encryption after all. Did you know that Proton's and delta's VCards are compatible across ecosystems and establish immediate encryption?

keverets boosted

If you've on a limb and curious about contributing photos to @panoramax , for use with #OpenStreetMap, and you're looking for an app to use, checkout this app, Baba

or install via #FDroid , with the #IzzyOnDroid repo enabled:

It uses beautiful #MapLibre tiles, and the overall experience for a contributor is so much smoother than just using a general purpose cam app like #OpenCamera

keverets boosted

GNOME's default Image Viewer (Loupe) no longer accepts AI generated contributions. You can read more about the reasons for my decisions in my discourse post.

I'm planning to adopt the same policy for the rest of the projects I maintain. And I think others should as well.


It's many hops to install that. Consider including the link to the repo so that those interested don't need to also search for it:


keverets boosted

USA's #Maxar isn't just cutting off classified satellite imagery to #Ukraine, but commercial unclassified services. How long until Starlink follows?

I'm not sure if the White House has thought thru the signal this is sending the world:

If you use American tech, cloud or telecoms, it can be turned off on a whim *while you're being invaded & bombed* to strongarm your country to sign a deal you don't want.

Imagine how many govts are currently frantically trying to migrate away from US services.

keverets boosted

There are times when you must speak, not because you are going to change the opposing side, but because if you do not speak, they have changed you.

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Given it’s international women’s day, I’d like to encourage you all, but especially Dutch men to read these ‘anti-acknowledgments’ in a PhD thesis. This is not from somewhere else, it’s from Delft. And it’s not from the 1950s, but from the present. Unfortunately what academic life and culture in The Netherlands is still like. The author is just one of the few who actually spoke up about it, but there are many stories like it.

(Alt at

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