Real-time bidding, which powers nearly every ad you see online, might be the most privacy-invasive surveillance system that you’ve never heard of. Learn how it works and how to protect yourself.
Yes, one can add #fediverse or #mastodon
#comments to a static site like #pelican, #jekyll or #hugo.
Respond to this toot to see your comment show up on my blog post below.
The enshittification of AI has lead to the choice of AI used by VLC to be groaned at. I even saw a post cross my feed of someone looking for a replacement for VLC.
VLC is working on on-device realtime captioning. This has nothing to do with generating images or video using AI. This has nothing to do with LLMs.
This is not generative AI.
While it would be preferred to use human generated captions for better accuracy, this is not always possible. This means a lot of video media is inaccessible to those with hearing impairment.
What VLC is doing is something that will contribute to accessibility in a big way.
AI transcription is still not perfect. It has its problems. But this is one of those things that we should be hoping to advance.
I'm not looking to replace humans in creating captions. I think we're very far from ever being able to do this correctly without humans. But as I said, there's a ton of video content that simply do not have captions available, human generated or not.
So long as they're not trying to manipulate the transcription using GenAI means, this is the wrong one to demonize.
#AI #Transcription #VLC #HearingImpaired #Deaf #Accessibility
Following up yesterday's post: here is the same view of Varick Street by the Holland Tunnel, as seen today (Friday) at 5pm. Normally at this time my office is filled with a symphony of horns honking and traffic managers screaming at drivers. To see this and hear mostly silence at 5pm on a Friday would have been unthinkable even a week ago.
Needless to say, I am 100% sold on congestion pricing in New York City.
SCOOP: Instagram blocked teens from searching LGBTQ-related content for months.
Posts with LGBTQ+ hashtags were hidden under Meta's “sensitive content” policy which restricts "sexually suggestive content", Meta said they are fixing this “error” after I reached out for comment.
Because this is the talk of the #internet again: you don't preserve digital media by stuffing the One True Version in an #archive. Make countless copies and scatter them to the wind. Make each a different format. You don't know which of them will still be readable next decade, so *don't try to guess*.
That goes for analog media too. The Library of Alexandria contained copies. Many classic paintings only survived as copies.
Copying is how life itself beats death. Embrace it.
Privacy Badger is @Wirecutter's top choice for blocking trackers or ads. If you aren't already using EFF's free browser extension, here's one more reason to give it a try:
The world's richest man has joined a growing chorus of right-wing voices attacking Wikipedia as part of an intensifying campaign against free and open access information. Why do they hate it so much?
I haven't bought many Xiaomi devices, and the unlock was always annoying, but the new restrictions are even more onerous.
Will be finding other devices in the future.
@timixretroplays 17.53 mm
Uhhh, I have a strange request. If you own a bread knife with a flat-sided handle in your kitchen, and calipers or something else that will measure to the nearest millimetre or so, and want something to do for 30 seconds, could you tell me how thick the handle is?
Yes, I'd like to collect some random samples of bread knife handle widths. Doesn't matter what brand, what it looks like, how long the blade is or where in the world you are.
I will explain later. Boosts appreciated.
⚠️ 🚨 It’s time to stop using 🚨⚠️
The abandoned fork of #Conversations_im has a critical security issue: attackers can bypass STARTTLS negotiation, resulting in an unencrypted connection to a fake server. This vulnerability is similar to the STARTLS attack discovered in various email clients¹
✅ Fixed in Conversations 2.13.1 (Feb 2024)
📢 Please migrate to Conversations immediately! It's free on Google Play until the end of the year and always free on #fdroid
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