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It's all gotta burn. We need to rebuild a new system that doesnt rely on a single point of failure. Federated decentralized networks is the way to go. Glad em helped this platform along. Been here for years with not much activity. This is great.

karenm boosted

Gotta love tech journalists who describe Mastodon as "that impossible-to-use website." First of all, it's an app. C'mon. Second of all, aren't these the same people who write breathless explainers about the wonder of cryptocurrencies, which are not only impossible to understand but literally built from bullshit?

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The bit about a lawyer being stopped from entering a music hall in the US because its facial recognition system picked up that she's part of a law company that's suing them is even crazier than I thought.

The law company isn't suing the music hall - it's suing a restaurant, in another state, which is owned by the hall's parent company MSG Entertainment. MSG gone ahead and harvested photos of all the lawyers in the firm and fed it to an image recognition system to ban them from every MSG Entertainment owned location.

People always tell me that if you've got nothing to hide then you've got nothing to fear. She's got nothing to hide and they still went after her.

If this doesn't start making people worried about facial recognition then there's serious trouble coming.
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When Nick Fuentes claimed to be an "incel" last winter it was a head-scratching moment. But a some digging shows why: Fuentes is recruiting incels and misogynists to his America First movement.
RWW's reports for


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On this day in 1919, 249 "undesirables" were deported on the USS Buford cargo ship. Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman were among them, rounded up in the nation's first "Red Scare." Then, as today, the lesson was: abolish borders and the states that make them!


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You know you can probably just buy an electronic road sign trailer and park it anywhere and just have it flash "spank me" to traffic I mean there's no way there's a law against that right

Drupal was fun when I played with it, but it just made me miss HTML. I pulled out nano and made a site with it. It respected everyone's privacy, worked without scripts.. It was amazing.. Lol



I mean, I like the driving lane too, slow down and smell the roses.. d:

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The reviews of #Twitter on Glassdoor are tough to read. It absolutely sucks to watch something you built and loved get systematically destroyed like this.


Thanks. I did some more reading and it makes more sense. I sure hope the clients are not electron based. I'd sure love to make my or mythical if it were ever to materialize, my daily driver.

Idk anything about this programming stuff, as I only deploy some of the tools sometimes.

My question is would it have been possible to implement , , , servers that are already a federated network into / apps etc?

It's sometimes it's difficult to get friends and family to sign up for new apps/programs. looks fantastic so far but feels like it's going to be a similar thing? Im probably just confused.

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As promised, some Fediverse app hotness.

My team is building #GreatApe, a social audio & video that federates through #ActivityPub (not production ready).

Here's a test that @reiver did.

How do you like our unique comic book theme?

And what do you think we're planning to do with this?

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February 13th 1921 Fanya Baron stepped out of a Bolshevik prison dirty, unkempt, starved, and beaten.

She along with her husband Aron and five other anarchists moved to their mournful task of carrying Pyotr Kropotkin’s casket to its final resting place in Novodevichy Cemetery.

Five days earlier Kropotkin had died. Returning to his home country as a result of the February Revolution after a long exile , he arrived only to see the dreams of revolution crushed by the brutality of the Bolsheviks.

His funeral would be the last “legal” anarchist event in Russian for sixty seven years. In Moscow at the news of his death anarchists set immediately to organize his funeral procession.

The movement in Russia had been experiencing intense repression from the Bolsheviks for a number of years and one of their immediate demands was the release of their comrades in the Moscow gulags to attend the procession. Their initial appeals were met with refusal, so they escalated.

Two days before the funeral a black banner reading “Freedom to imprisoned anarchists who fight for the ideas of Kropotkin-Anarchy” was placed at the Moscow Hall of Commons. The Cheka demanded it be removed, which it was, for a short time. Then right back up it went now accompanied by guards with Zora Gandlevskaya holding one of the poles. Chekists began bad faith negotiations and demanded anarchists give themselves as hostages if the paroles were to flee.
Universities began to compile names of anarchists students willing to take their place, to which Chekists then claimed they couldn’t find a single anarchist to release as their gulags only held “bandits.”

The ever trickling and mounting anarchist presence in Moscow was beginning to shift Cheka perception on how much they would be able to avoid mass revolt and riot if they continued to deny the request for parole.

When Alexandra Kropotkin announced she supported the anarchist organized Funeral Commissions’ threat to demonstratively remove the wreaths and flags of Russian Communist Party from the procession, they relented and released seven to attend.

Aron and Fanya Baron, Aleksandr Guevsky, David Kogan, Mark Mrachny, Aleksey Olonetsky, and Olga Taratuta would leave prison and be taken to the House of Unions where Kropotkin’s casket lay, met by cheers from the immense crowd of over 50,000 people.

The procession left, carrying the man to his final resting place. Black flags and banners trailed them emblazoned with white words. “There is no power more villainous than power over people!” “Where there is power there is violence!” The last of the funeral speeches came from Aron Baron who cried out defiant till the last against the Red Terror who trampled revolution under their boots and worked as butchers in their cellars and dungeons.

The next day a little after noon they returned to their prisons.

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Texts from an unknown sender, from discovery in the Elon Musk/Twitter suit months ago.

Pretty remarkable to read after these suspensions of journalists tonight.


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Punk—Dangerous Utopia
Revisiting the Relationship between Punk and Anarchism

How did punk emerge out of the countercultures of the 1960s that it claimed to reject? Why did it play such a central role in the resurgence of anarchism around the world at the end of the 20th century? How did it prefigure the participatory media of the digital age? And what can its legacy teach us today?

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People outside the law & order part of the political spectrum need to begin reclaiming space within public safety discussions:

"A regulated supply is not charity for criminals. It’s common sense for communities. We’ve done it for decades with alcohol. Best of all, it’s voluntary and consent-based, and avoids traumatizing people."

Co-written with Petra Schultz & Dr Ginetta Salvalaggio. #yeg #yegcc #yyc #yyccc #SafeSupply #HousingFirst #HarmReduction #DrugPolicy

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There are no unsacred places;
there are only sacred places
and desecrated places.

-Wendell Berry, "How to Be a Poet"

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its Kropotkin's b-day so a good day to remember that while he is often remembered as a scientist and writer, he also fought with police in the street with brass knuckles :)


Also, I'm a long time follower via "fritter", and never been able to interact with my/your news feed for a couple years. Fan-girl heart flutter that you noticed me.. Lol <3

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