Great. As soon as I post a link to my blog, it goes down.


This is what literally happened to me as soon as I posted a link to my blog.

My new blog can't handle traffic from Mastodon.

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To the surprise of no one, I hate my blog.

I've been wrestling with WordPress for a solid 6 hours.

First theme I installed, it caused my blog to FUBAR.

Then I spent hours upon hours trying to get things just right.

I post a link, the site goes down.

I'm now debating whether I should bother with WordPress at all.

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I think I might just write a simple HTML site instead.

No CSS. No JavaScript.

Just text.

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Drupal was fun when I played with it, but it just made me miss HTML. I pulled out nano and made a site with it. It respected everyone's privacy, worked without scripts.. It was amazing.. Lol

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