Yes this can work I did it once. But it's probably not gonna help don't get your hopes up this is what you try when you've decided not to pay a professional and there's nothing left to lose.

If you have data loss on a flaky hard drive and it has high value stop immediately and go to a pro. I've been down this road where the HDD proceeded to progressively ruin itself.

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@SwiftOnSecurity yep. I've had to tell clients that "there's no 'giving it my best try before spending $$$$'. If my attempt fails, you're in much hotter water than you are now."



Not so long ago I manually restored an accidentally deleted luks partition and felt quite accomplished for it. I was using testdisk and it worked. Who would you recommend mailing a drive to for recovery? I phoned a place I found in a search engine but it felt like a scam and I also not sure who to trust with sensitive data restoration.

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