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Maneco64 : Economics Is Not Complicated !

The economics profession has perverted economics to justify actions that would never make sense if applied to any household.

Capitalism is the Most Humane System There Is – Here’s 7 Reasons Why

Demolishing "dog-eat-dog", “survival of the fittest,” “capitalism is a jungle” and other bs.

What Consumes More Energy – Bitcoin or Central Banks ?

According to the US Energy Information Administration, in 2018 it took about 5,000 British thermal units (Btu) to produce a dollar of GDP.

“Sincere” and “Hard-working” Rulers Do The Most Harm

Historical examples from the classic book called 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'.

Understanding the Economics of Fascism

Fascism is socialism with a capitalist veneer. This economic system has been consistently praised by 'progressives'.

How Come The Germans Supported Hitler ?

For the same reasons that the present-day public is blindly following 'orders' by leaders today.

“Sincere” and “Hard-working” Rulers Do The Most Harm

Historical examples from the classic book called 'The Mainspring of Human Progress'.

But but.. won’t the Robber Barons Take Over ? The Misplaced Fear of Monopolies

Opponents of laissez faire have spooked public opinion with a combination of bad history and worse theory.

Tom Woods versus the Experts

What is the link between "experts" who hate bitcoin and "experts" who like lockdowns ? They're often the same people !

False Realities : The Basis of Totalitarianism

Many of the greatest horrors of the history of humanity owe their occurrence solely to the establishment and social enforcement of a false reality.

Make You Own Agenda 2030 : Notes on Strategy

Covid has allowed our enemies to initiate a Satanic war based based on voodoo beliefs. Our reply must be on the same terms.

I don't get parents who are Zoom/WhatsApp schooling kids. Homeschool already. The pandemic is a message from the cosmos.

Inside the Church of Climate

By rejecting the idea that humans are part of the environment, ecology extremists end up with an anti-human religion.

You Have the Right to Say No To the Vaccine : Here Are the International Texts

These psychopaths might end up committing the very crimes that Nazi doctors were hanged for.

Prophetic words by Judgenap at a @mises event in 2014.

Prepare to put your necks on the line. Tawk is cheap.

The great Covid power grab: Why these psychopaths’ call for a ‘Pandemic Treaty’ must be resisted

The pandemic is being used as a pretext for a huge power grab by unaccountable transnational elites.

Did You Know? Passports Were a “Temporary” War Measure

It takes less than a century, it seems, to see the absence of freedom as a natural condition.

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