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PSA : All dictators are the same. They're not Hindu, they're not Muslims, they're a bunch of sick sociopaths.

PSA : All dictators are the same. They're not Hindu, they're not Muslims, they're a bunch of sick sociopaths.

Socialism Was Identical for the Nazis and the Soviets

From its inception, advocates of both ideologies viewed “less civilized” peoples as obstacles to their revolution.

Why the Hammer and Sickle Should Be Treated Like the Swastika

No one would tolerate a t-shirt emblazoned with Adolf Hitler, yet the wildly oppressive Che Guevara is easily detached and morphed into a symbol of revolution.

Economic Growth Does Not Cause Price Inflation

The positive statistical association between economic growth and price inflation is not because of an expansion in real wealth but comes in response to the expansion in money supply.

Why Milton Friedman Was Wrong on the Business Cycle

The boom-bust cycle phenomenon is somehow linked to the modern world. But what is the link?

Now that the @thewire_in
has got on track with understanding the meat issue, could they also look into the meat bans being proposed by the UN, Eat Lancet, and the C40 initiative under the garb of "climate change" ?


[VIDEO] Time Preference and Interest Rates

Two mechanisms coordinating production in time. To correctly understand business cycles and where economic crises come from, we need to understand these two concepts. Learn Austrian Economics in a fun way!

Live Not By Lies

In 1974, the Russian dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote : "If we are too frightened, then we should stop complaining that someone is suffocating us."

Lord Keynes’ views on eugenics, race and population control

We cannot stress these topics enough. See our article on India's Malthusian Babas and our twitter thread specifically on Lord Meynard Keynes, his flawed economics, his pedophilia, and his bhakts in the Indian government.

Unlimited Paper Money Feeds the Myth of Unlimited Real Resources

It would be hard to invent a more effective method for the destruction of modern society. As Pogo would say, "We have met the enemy and he is us."

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