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Lord Keynes, the Father of Modern Fake Economics, Also Loved British Imperialism in India

Think about this when snake oil salesmen like Subramanian Swamy talk about his theories.

Viktor Frankl: Saying Yes to Life in Difficult Times

In spite of everything, say Yes to Life: a psychologist’s experience of the concentration camp.

@skishchampi very simple: stop trusting the govt with this thing, go to 0 taxation and allow private cos to open as many hospitals as they want. Also abolish the mci cartel and free the medical profession.

Here's a set of simple questions. Let us know what you think and share the polls, especially with your "left leaning" friends !

: Why “Regulating Prices” of “Essential Commodities” Does Not Work

The predictable hatred for "price gougers" came out in force over the past couple of weeks.

How Central Planning Ruined Ancient Rome

Government spending, inflation, and economic controls destroy wealth and create conflict.

Calling Healthcare a “Right”Betrays a Conceptual Confusion

Only negative rights can be universal, absolute, scalable and capable of existing with each other.

@ilr and btw it's a commie Govt for me like I have maintained. Look how they announced disinvestment in BPCL, Air India, etc but ended up squiring Yes Bank 😂😂😂😂

@TheSecularOne we have said what we had to say in our observations in that article.. not very interesting talking about how these socialists handle their socialist enterprises :)

For those who don't want to read the articles that we have posted on handling a , here's @ThomasEWoods
's lecture doing a brilliant job of the same

The Depression You’ve Never Heard Of: 1920-1921

The 1920-1921 depression was a textbook example of how to handle an economic downturn.

Lessons to be Learnt from the Forgotten Depression of 1920

It is not in spite of the absence of fiscal and monetary stimulus that the economy recovered from the 1920–1921 depression. It is because those things were avoided that recovery came.

Doug Casey on the “Greater Depression” that’s coming

Doug Casey's observations, made for the United States, are perfectly applicable to India.

[Video] Nirma powder looses it

We are republishing the clip of the FinMin "scolding" the chairman of the SBI to ensure that it doesn't get taken down from Youtube.

Myths : No, Authoritarian Governments Do Not Outperform “Open Societies”

Decentralized decision-making systems always beat centralization because they process information better, and act according to to local conditions.

Why “Experts” Don’t Like the Gold Standard

Many mainstream economists today instinctively oppose the idea of the self-regulating gold standard because they have been trained not as economists but as "social engineers".

Bharat Karnad : Is Indian Foreign Policy a Mere Jumble of Big Words?

India will only progress if it hunkers down to take care of its own business by itself rather than trying to shoulder the problems of everyone else.

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